Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

The meeting of the Dissertation Council was held

At the dissertation Council D 01.111 at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Beybala kizi Imanova defended her philosophy doctor dissertation “Studying boundary balues of Cauchy type integral in mean oscillation terms”, by the specialty 1202.01 Analysis and functional analysis. The results of the work were reflected in 8 papers.

Then Arzu Ramiz kizi Safarova defended her philosophy doctor dissertation “Basicity of degenerating double exponent systems” by the speciality 1202.01 Analysis and functional analysis. The results of the work were reflected in 11 papers.
Both dissertations were positively evaluated by the Dissertation Council.
Then, the issues on appointment of curators to dossertation works of Novrasta Bayramova and Aynur Mammadova, and official opponenets and leading organization to Fuad Aliyev’s dissertation work were oppointed and affirmed.

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