Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Recommended scientific publications

1 Proceedings of NASA NASA
2 Proc. of NASA. Series of physical technical and mathematical sciences (in English) NASA

Applied and Computational Mathematics (in English)

NASA, the Ministry of Communication and Information technologies of Azerbaijan Republic, the Institute of Applied Mathematics of Baku State University.

4 News of Baku University. Series of physico-mathematical sciences. Baku State University
5 Trans. of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (in English) IMM of NASA
6 Proc. of Azerbaijan Academy of Engineering. Social Union “Azerbaijan Engineering Academy”
7 Khazar Journal of Mathematics (ingilis dilində) Khazar University
8 Scientific and Pedagogical news of Odlar Yurdu University. Odlar Yurdu University
9 News of Pedagogical University. Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
10 Nakhchivan State University. Scientific proceedings. Series of physico-mathematical and technical sciences. Nakhchivan State University.
11 Journal of Qafqaz University. Mathematics and Informatics (riyaziyyat elmləri üzrə) Gafgaz University.
12 Scientific transactions. Fundamental Sciences. Azerbaijan Technical University
13 Proc. of Lenkaran State Unversity. Series of Mathematics and Natural sciences. (on mathematical sciences) Lenkaran State University
14 Azerbaijan Journal on Pure and Applied Mathematics. (in English) Azerbaijan Mathematical Society
15 TWMS Journal of Mathematics (in English) Mathematical Society the Turkish World
16 Proc. of young scientists. The center of intellectual development of young people, the Ministry of Youth and Sport, Society of young scientists, doctoral and master students of Azerbaijan

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