Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Department of “Functional analysis”


Head of the department: Camidulla İsrafil oglu Aslanov
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor
Tel: (012) 563-25-76, 050-637-09-02
E-mail: [email protected]
Number of employees: 20
Main scientific direction of the department: Spectral theory of differential operators, direct and inverse problems of spectral analyses.
Main scientific results of the department: Investigation of the spectrum and structure of the numerical range of operators in Banach spaces. Are direct and inverse problems of theory of scattering on the semi-axis and on the axis. Were solved for hyperbolic system of equation of first order. Basic properties of eigen functions of discontinuous differential operators were studied. For non regular boundary value problems a multiple completeness of the system of root functions was studied. The Sturm-Liouville problem with discontinuous boundary conditions was investigated. The Green function of operator-differential equations was studied. Solvability of boundary value problems of elliptic operator-differential equations was investigated. Construction of tensor radicals algebras with the norm. Investigation of limit theorems for branching Markov Galton-Watson processes Investigation of nonlinear boundary value problems for Markov processes.
Mathematical model of a particle moving with arbitrary parameters circle was constructed.
By these results the following papers were published:
  1. Publications– 2017
  2. Publications– 2016
  3. Publications– 2015
  4. Publications– 2014
  5. Camidulla I.Aslanov. On the resolvent of Strum-Liouville operator-differential equation on the limite seqment. Mathematical Analysis, Differential equations and Applications Bulgaria, 2011, p.101-108 (with Cunay I. Kasumova)
  6. Camidulla I.Aslanov. The third reqularized formula for second order differential equations with selfadjoint nuclear class operator coefficients.Mathematica Aeterna, Vol.2, 2012, no.5, p.409-422 (with Kenul.G.Badalova)
  7. Həmidulla Aslanov. Funksional analiz “MBM”, Bakı. 2012
  8. С.С. Мирзоев. О разриешимости краевой задачи для уравнения второго парядка в гильбертовом пространстве с операторным коэффициентом в краевом условии. Мат. Заметки. Том.31, В.6 (2012) стр.861-869 (совм М.Ю. Салимовым)
  9. С.С. Мирзоев. Спектралный анализ одного дифференциального пучка четвертого порядка на всей оси. Доклады РАН, Т.442, №3. (2012) стр.312-314 (совм.Э.Г.Оруджов, А.Р.Алиев)
  10. Г.М.Гусейнов. Свойства собственных значеных оператра Штурма-Лиувилля с  условиями разрыва внутри  интервала «Вестник БГУ», №3, (2012) стр.21-28. (совм. Л.И.Маммадова)
  11. В.М.Курбанов. Неравенства Рисса для систем корневых вектор-функций оператра Дирака Дифференц  уравнения, Т.48 №3 (2012), стр.334-340. (совм. А.И.Исмайлова).
  12. В.М.Курбанов. Двусторонние оценки для  корневых векторов оператра Дирака. Дифференц  уравнения, Т.48 №4 (2012), стр.487-497.
  13. U.V.Turovski. Topological radicals and Frattini theory of banach Lie alqebras. İnteq. Equation operator theory 74 (2012) p.51-121
  14. Ю.В.Туровский. Топологические радикалы и совместный спектральный радиус. Функциональный анализ и его приложения. Том 46 (2012) стр.183-185
  15. И.М.Набиев. Востановление пучка и системы дифференциальных уравнений на опередке LAP.-Lambert Akad.Publ. (2012) 252p. (монография)
  16. Ф.Х. Рагимов. Интегральные предельные  теоремы для момента первого выхода цени маркова за нелинейную границу. ТВП им. А.Н.Колмогорова Т.54, в.1(2012) с.178-185 (совм. Ф.Дж. Азизов)
  17. А.Н.Джабраилова. On vector-valued analogy of Riezis-Fisher, Hardi and Littlewood  theory. Journal of Math. Analysis, vol.6, N.50, (2012) pp,2467-2472
  18. A.S.Shukurov. Necessery condition for Kostyuchenko type systems to be a basis in Lebesgue Spaces. Colloquium Mathematicum. 127(2012) pp.105-109.
  19. A.H.Huseinov. Time evalution of the spectral data associated with the finite  complex Toda Lattice Dinamical Systems and Methods, (2012), september 29, p.323-334, Spriuger.

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