Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Department of “Fluid Mechanics”


Head of the department: Geylani Minhaj Panahov
Correspondent member of ANAS, doctor of Sciences, academician Russian Academy of Nature Sciences
Tel: (99412) 5390221
E-mail: [email protected][email protected]
Number of employees: 6
Primary areas of the academic activities: Department of fluid mechanics realizing activity in research and applied problems of fluid dynamics, oil-field mechanics as a scientific unit of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. Department activity relates to the conduct of theoretical, experimental and applied research in the field of fluid mechanics.
Scientific team successfully developed topical research areas in the field of fluid mechanics, non-stationary processes of gas and disperse systems flow and filtration, mathematical statistics, mathematical simulation, operations research, etc., developing innovative energy-saving industrial technologies. Research on oil field mechanics are a valuable contribution to the problems of fluid mechanics.
Fluid mechanics, being one of the main areas of mechanics, covers a range of related science areas. Significant results were obtained in the field of oil-field mechanics, nonlinear mechanics, fluid dynamics and other research areas.
Main scientific achievements: – effect of physical fields on heavy, waxy oil, showing that the impact of magnetic and electric fields on non-Newtonian oil integrative paramagnetic and elektrokinetik phenomena, influencing of the structural and surface hydrocarbons properties arises;

– diagnostic methods of fractal structures formation under enhanced oil recovery have been developed;

– hydrodynamics problems of the rheology of complex, non-equilibrium systems in pipes and porous media, and the propagation of nonlinear waves in a nonlinear and continuous media were investigated;

– elektrokinetik effects under the fluids flow in pipes and porous media was investigated, showing the presence of electric-viscosity effects that justify the existence of quasi-periodic and chaotic oscillations in disperse systems. Theoretical and practical aspects of the fractal structures adjustment in filtration processes are considered;

– viscous-elastic properties of composite structures have been investigated, experimental and CFD studies carried out, a new class of viscoelastic compositions with adjustable parameters was created. Designed compositions are widely used in the operations of high pressure gas pipelines with variable cross section cleaning from water, condensation, mechanical accumulations on the Western Siberia oil fields (Surgut, Nijnevartovsk, Perm, Langepas, etc.) with a total length of over 300 km. Viscoelastic compositions successfully implemented on the Azerbaijan oil fields of (“Oil Rocks”, “N. Narimanov”, “Gum Adasi”, “Absheronneft” OGPU). The compositions used effectively as a viscous-elastic divider in the drilling wells on the Mexico Gulf (USA), along with this composite system with controlled properties has been applied in more than 100 producing wells with high gas factor on the TNK and LUKOIL oil fields (Russian Federation);

– technological process for direct impact on the oil reservoir through the use of systems with non-equilibrium effects, allowing providing of the single-phase state of gas-liquid displacing agents. Theoretical and experimental studies of wave processes in the flow of non-Newtonian fluids, transient effect and physical fields on filtration in porous media, mathematical simulation of displacement in porous media were the basis for developing new approaches in the oil field mechanics. It should also be noted an innovative technology for the fractal structures control at the interface through the generation and regulation of local pressure during in-situ gas generation;

– theoretical basis and field technology of blocking barriers creation in highly permeable porous media channels based on a quasi-periodic foam have been developed;

– new processes based on the use of gas-liquid systems adjusting equilibrium of a single-phase state of the displacement in porous media, provide targeting impact on the oil reservoir was developed. These technologies have been successfully implemented on the oil fields «Azerneft» (SOCAR), more than 100 operation was realized on the injection wells in Western Siberia (oil company TNK-BP, LUKOIL, Slavneft), on the offshore oil field at Bohai Bay (CNOOC, China) for more than 20 injection wells of «Zhongyuan-Sinopek», 5 injection wells in «Jidong-Petrochina», on a 3 injection wells of Oklahoma oil field (USA);

– the problem of dynamics of the joint deformation of dispersed systems with gas inclusions was investigated. On the basis of experimental and theoretical studies discovered a new phenomenon – the formation of micronuclei gas in gas-liquid systems under pressure above the saturation pressure and the flow rate increases in 1.5-2.0 times.

– new gas desorption process at the any stage of field operation on the gas deposits by stimulating adsorbed gas desorption in the clay interlayers have been investigated;

– effective technology solution for control of density and viscosity instabilities during oil displacement has been developed;

– wave problems of a two-phase barotropic fluid flow in deformable tubes have been investigated;

– effective technological solution based on regulation of viscosity and density difference is proposed under hydrocarbons displacement by using of “wet” carbon dioxide;

– the science-based technological method of creating periodic hydrodynamic pressure injection of water is proposed, allowing to overcome the resistance created by capillary pressure and increase the efficiency of the displacement process;

– the method of extracting trapped oil from immobile zones through the effect of “drawing” is proved, solution of the equations of fluid flow involving elements of lubrication theory to estimate the additional volume of recoverable oil is proposed;

– the influence of elektrokinetik parameters on the transient effects under multiphase fluids flow and filtration is proved and the fact of disequilibrium under fluids displacement with similar viscosity due to the manifestations of the throughput difference;

– the effect of temperature drop on liquid-gas systems for gas emission, the centers of micronuclei gas generation, destruction and coalescence, along with the generation of high-frequency pressure waves acting on the flow characteristics;

– kinetics of heterogeneous behavior of hydrocarbons in the manifestation of viscosity anomalies is proposed, the simultaneous manifestation of viscosity decreasing and increasing;

– the influence of temperature drop on the gas evolution under gas-liquid flow and the influence of this phenomenon on the change of hydraulic resistances and achieving maximum throughput while ensuring the temperature minimum;

– theoretical, experimental and applied researches conducted at the department are a basis for the development of energy-saving technologies, which addresses to the modern innovation problems.

Applied developments used on oil fields of Azerbaijan, Russian Federation, United States, China and Vietnam.

Department employees have 55 patents for inventions of Eurasian, Azerbaijan and Russia Patent Offices.

Scientific grants and projects:
  1. 2004-2006 – bilateral project of ANSF and CRDF «Experimental and CFD Studies of Rheological Characteristics and Transport Properties of Viscoelastic Composite Systems Used in Oil Industry».
  2. 2005-2007 – joint scientific project of US DOE «Technology of In-Situ Gas Generation to Recover Residual Oil Reserves» DE-FC26-05-NT15478, between Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics and «New Mexico Tech University».
  3. 2007 – 2008 – scientific business-program of ANSF and CRDF: «Enhanced Oil Recovery by In-situ Gas Generation».
  4. 2010 – bilateral scientific project of ANSF and CRDF: «Technology for VOC Emissions Prevention Under Tank Hydrocarbons Storage».
  5. 2011-2012 – scientific grant of Science Development Foundation of Azerbaijan Republic «Development of methods for decrease of risk of greenhouse effect and control of fractal structures in oil recovery due to use of a mineral waste».
Patents for inventions, having high economic value:



Proposal description


Application area

In-Situ Gas Generation Field Technology

Enhanced oil recovery

Technology is based on using of water-soluble chemicals to in situ gas generation, blocking the washed channels of porous medium and displacement of residual oil from the stagnant zones

Patented by Russian Federation patent №№ 2123105, 2244110

Oil and Gas Production

Oil and Gas Pipelines Cleaning

Increased efficiency in pipeline oil and gas transportation

Improving efficiency of oil and gas transportation through the cleaning of oil and gas pipelines by  viscoelastic compositions

Patented by Russian Federation patent № 2174879

Oil and Gas Production

Selective formation water insulation

Improved Oil Recovery

Reducing  water cut by blocking water water-flooded channels

Patented by patent of Azerbaijan Republic İ 990231 and Patented by Russian Federation patent №№ #2145379, 2183727

Oil and Gas Production

Hydrocarbons vaporization preventing at storage

Reducing losses of light hydrocarbon fractions by evaporation during tanks storage

Preventing hydrocarbon loss production and reduce the risk of environmental pollution at the tanks filling and emptying by using of specially designed floating pontoons

Patented by Russian Federation patent #2176978

Oil and gas production; petrochemical

Prevention of drilling mud absorption and loss circulation

Elimination of loss circulation in the drilled wells by creating a visco-elastic barriers

Patented by Russian Federation patent #2123107

Oil and gas production

The main scientific publications of fluid mechanics department:
  1. Шахвердиев А.Х., Панахов Г.М., Renqi Jiang, Аббасов Э.М., Денисов А.В. Эффективность реогазохимической технологии ПНП на основе внутрипластовой генерации СО2 (опыт применения на месторождениях КНР) // Вестник РАЕН, №4, 2012. – С. 73-81.
  2. Panahov G.M., Abbasov E.M., Agayeva G.R., Aliyev G.A., Rasulova S.R. Systems bed stimulation on the basis of natural gas generating minerals // Azerbaijan Oil Industry Journal (International issue), №2, 2012. – pp. 20-25.
  3. Мандрик И.Э., Панахов Г.М., Шахвердиев А.Х. Научно-методические и технологические основы оптимизации процесса повышения нефтеотдачи пластов, M.: изд-во «Нефтяное хозяйство», 2010. – 288 с.
  4. Шахвердиев А.Х., Панахов Г.М., Аббасов Э.М., Аббасов Г.М., Абдoлнасер Омрани Газодинамическая десорбция газа в условиях внутрипластовой генерации диоксида углерода // Вестник РАЕН, №1, 2010. –  С.25-28.
  5. Panahov Q.M., Abbasov N.M. Numerical modeling of a problem on radial spread of variable viscosity oil spill // ANAS Transactions, Issue mathematics and mechanics. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical Science, XXVII, 2007, Baku, p.217-220.
  6. Bakhtiyarov S. I., Panahov G.M., Shakhverdiyev А.Kh., Abbasov E. M. Volume and Pressure Measurements in Oil Recovery by In-Situ Gas Generation // International Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2007. –  pp. 1-11.
  7. Bakhtiyarov S.I., Panakhov G.M., Shakhverdiyev A.Kh., Abbasov E.M. Oil Recovery by In-Situ Gas Generation: Volume and Pressure Measurements, ASME Joint U.S.-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Miami, FL, July 17-20, 2006, Paper # FEDSM2006-983596.
  8. Панахов Г.М., Аббасов Э.М., Шахвердиев А.Х., Мандрик И.Э., Бахтияров И.С. Интегративная эффективность воздействия на пласт при внутрипластовой генерации газа // Нефтяное Хозяйство, №11, 2006, Москва.
  9. Panahov Q.M., Abbasov A.N. Modelling process of water-oil mixture demulsifation in deep-well pump Transactions of NAS of Azerbaijan, Issue Mathematics and Mechanics series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical Sciences, №7, 2005.
  10. Panahov G.M., Shakhverdiev A.Kh. Rheochemical Technologies for Stimulation of Oil Production // Istvan Lakatos (ed): Novelities in Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery – Progress in Mining and Oil Chemistry / Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 2000, Vol.2.
  11. Panahov G.M., Shakhverdiev A.Kh. et al. New In-Situ Carbon Dioxide Generating Enhance Oil Recovery Technology Proceedings of 10th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, 18-20 August 1999, Brighton, UK, p. 106.
  12. Abbasov E.M., Bakhtiyarov S.I., Abbasov E.M. Kinetics Of Gas Generation In Water Solutions Transactions of AMEA, issue Mathematics and Mechanics series of physical-technical & mathematical sciences of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, XXIV, Baku, 2006, p.239-246
  13. Амензаде Р.Ю. О распространении малых возмущений в вязко-упругой жидкости, заключенной в многослойную вязко-упругую трубку // Журнал «Известия ВУЗов. Сер. Авиационная техника», г. Казань, 2009.
  14. Amenzadeh R.Yu., Pənahov G.M., Abbasov E.M. Wave in an elastic tube of variable cross section with a two-phase viscous fluid flows // International Conference “Continuum mechanics and related problems of analysis” dedicated to the 120-th birthday anniversary of academician N.Muskhelishvili, Georgia, Tbilisi, September 9-14, 2011.
  15. Ахундов М.Б., Эминзаде С.Д. Вынужденные колебания упругого и вязкоупругого стержней, контактирующих со средой, обладающей свойством саморегуляции // Вестник БГУ, 2011, № 2.
  16. Эфендиева А.О. и др. Нестационарная плоско-радиальная фильтрация в зонально-неоднородном пласте //Инженерно-физический журнал. Том.78, №6, 2005, c. 89-92.

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