Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Young Scientists Council

A joint meeting of the Council of Young Scientists and Professionals was held at the coordination council of ANAS professors
January 28, 2019

On January 28, the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS hosted a meeting with the Coordination Council of ANAS professors and members of the Board of Young Scientists and Specialists of the ANAS. The purpose of the meeting was to ensure joint co-operation in 2019, including increase of productivity in the activity of scientific employees and young people in ANAS and other higher educational institutions of the republic.

Chairman of the Coordination Council of the ANAS Professors, Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, Professor of ANAS Rovshan Bandaliyev briefed about the activities of the organization represented by 2019 and joint projects with the Young Scientists and Specialists Council of ANAS.

Then, chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of ANAS, PhD in Physics, Associate Professor Famin Salmanov spoke about this year’s action plan of the youth union. He underlined that participation of ANAS professors Coordination Council in “Winter School of Young Biologists” that will be held in February, in the proposed projects and scientific seminars organized at all republican institutions will be very useful.

At the meeting a number of important decisions on joint activities were made and widely discussed.

Young scientists gave lecture at Heidelberg University
October 13, 2017

On October 2-6, young scientists of IMM, leading res. ass. of “Nonharmonic Analysis” department, ph. doctor in math. ass. prof. Sabina Sadigova and ph. doctor in phys. res. ass. of “Calculation mathematics and Informatics” department Aynura Jafarova have participated at the Conference “Mathematical Methods for Quantum Chemistry” held at the International Interdisciplinary Center (IWR) on scientific calculations. It should be noted that both scientists were officially invited by Heidelberg University. This center was created in 1987 as a central research institute to carry out investigations in interdisciplinary fields.
At this Conference, Sabina Sadigova gave a talk on “Frames, applications and abstract examples in Hardy classes”, Aynura Jafarova on “Qubit transfer with high fidelity in 1D fermion spin chains with nearest-neighbour interaction based on new recurrence relations for Racah polynomials”. (Link:
In addition, they had scientific discussions with professors of Heidelberg University Guido Kanschat, Adreas Dreuw, doctor of Max Plank institute of plasm physics Katharina Kormann and others.

International Forum of young scientists and specialists on “Integration processes of world science in the XXI century”
October 11-12, 2016

On October 11-12, 2016, in the frames of the International Forum of young scientists and specialists “Integration processes of world science in the XXI century” scientific sessions were held. In discussions held in Ganja State University, Ganja organization of Yeni Azerbaijan Party, Ganja branch of ANAS and in other places were on the themes “Organic and inorganic synthesis and applied chemistry”, “Global energy, food and ecological safety”, “Regional development and demography”, “Scientific-historical, religious and cultured civilizations”, “Nanotechnologies and applied physics”, “Electronic mathematical studies and innovations”, “Biotechnology and genetic engineering”. About 150 talks were listened.

Chairman of the body of young scientists and specialists of IMM, ANAS phil. Doct. in math. ass. prof. Seyfullayev Famil Alizade oglu addressed the meeting.

The abstracts of the members of the body of young scientists and specialists Aida Guliyeva and Sabina Sadygova were published.

In Ismayilli region, the interschool olympiad organized by the Institute of Mathematics and |Mechanics of ANAS was held

“Mathematical logic” olypmiad organized jointly by the Knowledge Foundation at the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Council of Young Scientists and specialists was held in Ismayilli region. In the knowledge competition the representatives of the Executive Committee of the region, young scientists of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, the pupils of the city and village secondary schools of the region have taken part.

The olympiad was held in school No5 and was opened by the representative of the Executive Committee of the region Nasimi Teymurov.

The chairman of the Council of young scientists and specialists of ANAS, plisophy doctor in mathematics, associate professor Famin Salmanov spoke about the future scientific and personal politics of this council. He evaluated the organization of this olympiad as a part of this politics. He also spoke about the questions of the olympiad prepared by the young scientists of IMM, philosophy doctor in mathematics Famil Seyfullayev, philosophy doctor Zaman Safarov, phylosophy doctor Lala Aliyeva, engineer-proqrammer Khumar Maharramova. The representative of the Knowledge Foundation on Ismayilli region, director of school No 5 Elchin Mammadov and the chief of “Software” sector of the foundation, philosophy docotr in philology Khatira Huseynova addressed the participants.

After addresses, the competition get started. The olympiad was held at three stages and the results of pupils was evaluated by the judges consisting of the scientists of IMM. In competition, the pupils of school No 1 have taken the first place, pupils of school No 5 the second place, and the pupils of Tazakend secondary school the third place. The winners were rewarded with presents, diplomas and certificates.

I Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and specialists of NAS of Azerbaijan devoted to 20 years of the “Contract of the Century” was held in Baku.
October 16, 2014
On 15-16 October, the I Scientific Conference of young scientists and specialists of NASA “The role of multidisciplinary approach in solution of contemporary actual problems of fundamental and applied sciences (earth, engineering, chemical sciences) was held by the department of Earth, Engineering and Chemical Sciences of the Council of young Scientists of NAS of Azerbaijan. The Conference was supported by the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and The Science Foundation of SOCAR. About 400 young scientists and researchers from 30 countries have taken part at the Conference. The chairman of the Council of young scientists and specialists of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics being a member of the Department of Technical Sciences of young scientists and specialists of NASA of Azerbaijan, philosophy doctor in mathematics, docent Famil Seyfullayev was one of responsible persons in organization of this Conference. Futhermore, the young scientists of the institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Afag Ismailova, Sabina Sadigova, Fatai Isayev, Aygun Orujova have given talks in the “Engineering section” of the Conference and the results of these talks were published in the Conference proceedings.According to the information given by the chairman of the Council of young scientists Famil Seyfullayev these international status scientific measures create new possibilities for the scientists of the country. At these Conferences they can discuss the results of their scientific works in larger scale, be acguainted with the last scientific approaches and to apply them in their further investigations. These events open new prospectives in carrying out new investigations in collaboration with the young scientists from foreign countries.

The team of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics has taken part in one football championship between the Institutes of NASA.
October 8, 2014
On October 8, 2014, the I football Championship of the Young scientists and specialists of NASA between the Institutes of NASA get started. The Championship was supported by the Administrative Department of NASA and by the independent Trade Union Committee.According to the information of the chairman of the young scientists and specialists of the Institute Famil Seyfullayev the themes representing 16 institutes have engaged in competition in four groups. The institute of Mathematics and Mechanics has competed with the teams of H.Aliyev Institute of Geography, the Institute of Architecture and Construction and the Presidium of the NASA and our team has won all the group games and has get maximum results.At ¼ step of the championship our team has met the team of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics. The latter team was the winner of this game.

The organizers of the championship especially estimated the game of our team and we were presented with a symbolic prize, a cup.

The Board of Young Scientists of IMM of NASA was set up by the Board of Young Scientists of NASA;

In 2004-2009 the chairman of the Board of Young Scientists of IMM was Mubariz Hajiyev;

In 2009-2012 the chairman of the Board of Young Scientists of IMM was Rovshan Bandaliyev;

The members of the Board of Young Scientists of IMM:

AMEA-nın RMİ-nun Gənc Alimlər Şurasının üzvləri:

  1. Famil Seyfullayev – chairman;
  2. Aida Guliyeva – assistant;
  3. Lala Aliyeva – member;
  4. Aydin Shukurov – member;
  5. Aynura Jafarova – member;
  6. Javanshir Hasanov – member;
  7. Elmeddin Shahbandaliyev – member;
  8. Ali Huseynli – member;
  9. Gulnar Mirzayeva – member;
  10. Rovshan Bandaliyev – member;
  11. Seymur Aliyev – member;
  12. Sabina Sadigova – member;
  13. Shamsiyya Muradova – member;
  14. Zaman Safarov – member;

The Board of Young Scientists of IMM has actively participated in many international and local arrangements: – Innovative idea fair of Young Scientists                 –        July 25-30, 2012

– Visit to children’s home N1                                –        October 26, 2012;

– Scientific exposition of Young Scientists. (Baku Exposition Center)       – November, 2012;

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