Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Babayev Arzu Melik-Bakhish

Basic scientific achievements

The best approximations by the functions of a fewer number of variables in space Lp. Estimation of the best approximation by using the concept of an exact annihilator, introduced first by professor M-B. Babayev. Best approximation problems concerning ridge functions in the real domain.

The list of publications at the 5 years published

  1. Finding the best approximation order bu the quasipolinomials in a mixed norm space, Trans. of NASA, 2006,v.XXYI, №7, p.33-40
  2. On bilateral estimates of uniform approximation by the products of fewer number variables functions, Trans. Of NASA, 2007, v.XXVII, №7,p. 45-52
  3. On formulas for mixed derivatives, Journal Mathematic sof Intern. Ecoenergy Academy, 2008, №6, p. 3-11
  4. On properties of formulas for higher order derivative from superposition of functions, X Inter. Congress on Ecoenergi, Baku 2009, pp. 8-18
  5. On relation between the norm and the quasinorm of the sumof polinomialsdependent on different variables, AMEA-nın Xəbərlər jurnalı, t.XXXII, №1, Bakı-2012, səh. 25-30
  6. Best approximation of Lipscthitz class function, AMEA-nın Xəbərlər jurnalı, t.XXXIII, №1, Bakı-2013, səh. 9-12
  7. Approximation of periodic functions of two variables bu trigonometric polinomials, AMEA-nın Xəbərlər jurnalı, t.XXXIV, №1, Bakı-2014, səh. 21-28
  8. Constructing extremal elements in approxima tion by sums of univariate functions, Proceedings of IMM, vol.41,№1,Baku-2015, pp.39-43
  9. On the error of approximation by ridge functions with two fixed directions Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 10(2), 2017, pp. 111-120
  10. On the error error of approximation by radial basis functions with fixed centers AMEA-nın Xəbərlər jurnalı, t. XXXIII,№1, Bakı-2018, səh. 22-29

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