2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |
Riyazi analiz şöbəsi
1. V.S. Guliyev, I. Ekincioglu, A.A. Ahmadli, M.N. Omarova, Global regularity in Orlicz-Morrey spaces of solutions to parabolic equations with VMO coefficients, Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 11 (4) (2020), 1963-1989. (WoS, IF-0.532) Q4
2. V.S. Guliyev, R.V. Guliyev, M.N. Omarova, M.A. Ragusa, Schrödinger type operators on local generalized Morrey spaces related to certain nonnegative potentials, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 25 (2) (2020), 671-690. (WoS, IF-1.270) Q2.
3. T.S. Gadjiev, V.S. Guliyev, K.G. Suleymanova, The Dirichlet problem for the uniformly elliptic equation in generalized weighted Morrey spaces, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 57 (1) (2020), 68-90. (WoS, IF-0.468) Q4.
4. V.S. Guliyev, A. Ahmadli, S.E. Ekincioglu, Oscillatory integrals with variable Calderón-Zygmund kernel on vanishing generalized Morrey spaces, Tbilisi Math. J. 13 (2020), no. 1, 69–82. (WoS, ESCI).
5. V.S. Guliyev, H. Armutcu, T. Azeroglu, Characterizations for the potential operators on Carleson curves in local generalized Morrey spaces, Open Mathematics 18 (1) (2020), 1317-1331. (WoS, IF-0.773) Q3.
6. I. Ekincioglu, V.S. Guliyev, Esra Kaya, -Maximal operator and -singular integraloperators on variable exponent Lebesgue spaces, Math. Slovaca 70(4) (2020), 893-902. (WoS, IF-0.654) Q3.
7. V.S. Guliyev, A. Kucukaslan, C. Aykol, A. Serbetci, Riesz potential in the local Morrey–Lorentz spaces and some applications, Georgian Math. J. 27 (2020), no. 4, 557–567. (WoS, IF-0.500) Q4.
8. V.S. Guliyev, Y.Y. Mammadov, F.A. Muslumova, Boundedness Characterization of Maximal Commutators on Orlicz Spaces in the Dunkl Setting, J. Math. Study, 53 (1) (2020), 45-65. (WoS, ESCI)
9. A. Eroglu, G.A. Abasova, V.S. Guliyev, Spanne type characterization of parabolic fractional maximal function and its commutators in parabolic generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics: (Vol.1) Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis. Vol. 1: New General Trends and Advances of the Theory, 2020, 35-49. (Wos, ESCI).
10. A. Akbulut, V.I.Burenkov, V.S.Guliyev, Anisotropic fractional maximal commutators with BMO functions on anisotropic Morrey-type spaces, Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. 40 (4), Mathematics, 13-32 (2020). (SCOPUS).
11. M.N. Omarova, Characterizations for the commutator of parabolic nonsingular integral operator on parabolic generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces, Tbilisi Math. J. Vol. 13(1) (2020), pp. 97-111. (WoS, ESCI).
12. M.N. Omarova, Nonsingular integral operator and its commutators on vanishing generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 10(2) (2020), pp. 140-156. (WoS, ESCI).
13. M.N. Omarova, Parabolic non-singular integral operator and its commutators on parabolic vanishing generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces, TWMS J. Pure Appl. Math., V.11, N.2, 2020, pp. 213-225. (WoS, ESCI)
14. M.N. Omarova, Global regularity in Orlicz-Morrey spaces of solutions to elliptic and parabolic equations with VMO coefficients, PROCEEDINGS of the 7 th International Conference on “Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications”, Vol. 2 (2020), 293-295. (WoS).
15. R.A. Bandaliyev, I.G. Mamedov, M.J. Mardanov, T.K. Melikov, Fractional optimal control problem for ordinary differential equation in weighted Lebesgue spaces,Optimization Letter,14(6), 1519–1532 (2020) (WoS, IF-1,502) Q2.
16. R.A. Bandaliyev, K.H. Safarova,On boundedness of multidimensionalHausdorff operator on weighted Lebesgue spaces, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 13(1) (2020), 39-45 (WoS, ESCI).
17. Y.Y. Mammadov, F.A. Muslumova, Z.V. Safarov, Fractional maximal commutator on Orlicz spaces for the Dunkl operator on the real line, Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. 40 (4), Mathematics, 130-144 (2020). (SCOPUS).
18. V.S. Guliyev, E.J. Ibrahimov, S.E. Ekincioglu, S.Ar. Jafarova, O’Neil inequality for convolutions associated with Gegenbauer differential operator and some applications, J. Math. Study, 53 (1) (2020), 90-124. (WoS, ESCI).
19. E.J. Ibrahimov, G.A. Dadashova, S.A. Jafarova, Boundedness of higher order commutators of G-fractional integral and G-fractional maximal operators with G-BMO functions, Trans. A. Razmadze Math. Inst. Vol. 174 (2020), issue 3, 325-341. (WoS, ESCI).
20. E.J. Ibrahimov, S.A. Jafarova, S.E. Ekincioglu, Maximal and potential operators associated with Gegenbauer differential operator on generalized Morrey spaces, Proc. Inst. Math. Mech. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. 46 (1), 129-143 (2020). (WoS, ESCI).
21. E.J. Ibrahimov, G.A. Dadashova, S.E. Ekincioglu, On the boundedness of the G−maximal operator and G−Riesz potential in the generalized G−Morrey spaces, Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. 40 (1), Mathematics, 111-125 (2020). (SCOPUS).
22. H. Armutcu, A. Eroglu, F. Isayev, Characterizations for the fractional maximal operators on Carleson curves in local generalized Morrey spaces, Tbilisi Math. J. 13 (1) (2020), 23-38. (WoS, ESCI).
23. A.F. Ismailova, F.A. Isayev, Multi-sublinear operators generated by multilinear Calderon-Zygmund ´operators on product generalized Morrey spaces, Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. 40 (2), Mathematics, (2020), 110-117.(SCOPUS).
24. A.F. Ismailova, F.A. Isayev, Multi-sublinear operators generated by multilinear fractional integral operators on product generalized Morrey spaces, Proceedings of IAM 9 (1) (2020), 18-27.
25. Mammadova A.N., Abdullayeva A.E., Approximation theorems for two variable Szasz and generalized Bernstein-Chlodowsky operators, Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences 19 (7) (2020), 599-614. (WoS, ESCI) Bu məqalə hələ jurnalda onlayn yerləşdirilməyib. Ona görə linkini götürə bilmədim.Junala qoyulan kimi linki göndərəcəm.
Funksional analiz şöbəsi
1. S.A.Aliev. “The optimal irrigation under water use decisions.” Сборник научных трудов Национальный Университета водн.хоз., Ровно, Украина, вып. 1-2, 2019, с.74-78.
2. S.A.Aliev. “ Calculating steady –state probabilities of the G/M/n/m queueing systems”, Trans.NAS of Azerb.,ser. phis,-tech.and math.sci., Mathematics 39(4), 9-16(2019).
3. Aliyev Soltan, Khalilov Vüqar. “Integral equations for age –dependent branching processes”, Nakhchivan Teachers. Ins., Scientific works, 2019, №3,168-172.
4. I.A. Ibadova A.D. Farhadova .On strong law of large numbers for the family of first passage times for the level in random walk described by a non-linear function of autoregression process of order one (AR (1)). Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and EconomicsV. 7, No 1, 2019, July ISSN 1560-4055, pp.41-45.
5. Elshad H. Eyvazov, Davud H. Orujov.“On negative eigenvalues of the Schrodinger operator” , Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Volume 46, Issue 2 , p. 9, 2020, Elektron variant (Online First).
6. V.M.Kurbanov, A.M.Abdullayeva. “ On local uniform equiconvergence rate for the Dirac operator”, Proc. of the IMM, NAS of Azerbaijan, Volume 46, Number 1, 2020, Page 16-31.
7. V.M.Kurbanov, G.R.Gadzhieva. “Bessel inequality and the basis property for 2m x 2m Dirac type system with an integral potential”, Differential Equation 2020, Volume 56, Number 5, Page 573-584.
8. A.G. Ferzullazadeh, I.M. Nabiev. Some properties of the spectrum of t Dirac operator with a spectral parameter in the boundary condition // Proceedings of IMM of NAS of Azerbaijan, 2020, v. 46, № 2., p.189-196.Web of Science (ESCİ), Scopus 0.28.
9. Л.И. Маммадова, И.М. Набиев. Спектральные свойства оператора Штур ма-Лиувилля со спектральным параметром, квадратично входящим в граничное условие // Вестник Удмуртского университета. Математика. Механика. Компьютерные науки. 2020. Т. 30. Вып. 2. С. 237–248.Web of Science (ESCİ), Scopus 0.401.
10. Aliev A.R., Rzayev R.R. About one approach to the description of semi-structured indicators on a given data sample / In: 10th International Conference on Theory and Application of Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions – ICSCCW-2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1095. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020, p.p. 436-444. (Scopus).
11. Aliev A.R., Mamedov V.M., Seyidov M.I. About one mathematical model of reliability and safety of complex systems / In: 10th International Conference on Theory and Application of Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions – ICSCCW-2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1095. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020, p.p. 712-719 (Scopus).
12. Aliev A.R., Rajabov S.S. Radiation conditions for the magnetic Helmholtz equation // Mathematical Notes, 2020, vol. 108, no. 1-2, p.p. 155–161. (Web of Science və Scopus).
13. Guliyev N.J. On extensions of symmetric operators, Oper. Matrices 14 (2020), no. 1, 71–75. (2019 impakt-faktoru: 0.417).
14. Guliyev N.J. A Riesz basis criterion for Schrödinger operators with boundary conditions dependent on the eigenvalue parameter, Anal. Math. Phys. 10 (2020), no. 1, Paper No. 2, 8 pp. (2019 impakt-faktoru: 2.056).
15. Guliyev N.J. Essentially isospectral transformations and their applications, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., 199 (2020), no. 4, 1621–1648. (2019 impakt-faktoru: 0.959).
14. Guliyev N.J. On two-spectra inverse problems, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 148 (2020), no. 10, 4491–4502. (2019 impakt-faktoru: 0.927).
15. Latifova, A. R., and A. K. Khanmamedov. “Inverse Spectral Problem for the One-Dimensional Stark Operator on the Half-Axis”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 72, no. 4, Mar. 2020, pp. 494-08, doi:10.37863/umzh.v72i4.2302.
1. S.A.Aliev. “Branching process with special generating function.” Int. konf, “Modern problems of match.and mech.”, 2019,p.94-96.
2. Fada H.Ragimov, Vugar S.Khalilov, Aynura D. Faxradova. On the central limit theorem for the least-squares estimator of the unknown parameter in the autoregressive process of order one (AR(1)). The 7 th International Conference on Control and Optimization With Industrial Application, 26 – 28 august 2020, Baku, Azerbaijan, p.338-340.
3. Elshad H. Eyvazov. “Differential equation for eigenvalues uncertainties” (PDMU-2020) ABSTRACTS May 11-15, 2020, Baku-Sheki, Republic of Azerbaijan, P.41-42.
4. А.Н.Сафарова., Г.М.Назарова. Об одно задаче с нелокальным по переменной времени условием для уравнения распространения продольных волн.Riyaziyya, Mexanika və onların tətbiqləri adlı Respublika Elmi Konfransının materialları, Bdu, 2020, səh 159-160.
Konfrans materialları
1. H.İ.Aslanov. “Iqtisadi göstəricisi periodik xarakterə malik proseslərin stasionar zaman sıralarının harmonik analizi”, Ümumilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 97-ci ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Rəqəmsal iqtisadiyyatda müasir riyazi üsulların tətbiqləri”, mövzusunda Respublika elmi-praktik konfransı, Bakı Biznes Universiteti, 20 fevral 2020-ci il.
2. H.M. Hüseynov, İ.M. Nəbiyev. Çoxfaktorlu istehsal funksiyasinin bəzi xassələri . Ümummilli Lider H. Əliyevin anadan olmasının 97-ci ildönümünə həsr olunmuş «Rəqəmsal iqtisadiyyatda müasir riyazi üsulların tətbiqləri» mövzusunda Beynəlxalq elmi-praktik konfransın materialları, Bakı, 20 fevral 2020, Biznes Universiteti nəşriyyatı.
3. S.A.Aliev. “Convergence of sequence of multidimensional branching random processes,” Республиканская конференция посвящение 97-летию Г.Алиева, Бизнес Университет, Баку, феврал 2020.
4. Эйвазов Эльшад Хатам оглы, “ Модели магнитных Лапласианов с магнитным полем четвертого рода,” международная научная конференция “Уфимская осенняя математическая школа”, г. Уфа, с 11 по 14 ноября 2020 года.,сборник тезисов, часть1.,стр-71.
Dərs vəsaiti
1. H.I.Aslanov. “Funksiyalar nəzəriyyəsi və funksional analiz,” Dərs vəsaiti, 726 səhifə.
Funksiyalar nəzəriyyəsi şöbəsi
1. V.E. Ismailov, Computing the approximation error for neural networks with weights varying on fixed directions, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 40 (2019), no. 12, 1395-1409 (WoS, Scopus, Q2).
2. R.A. Aliev, V.E. Ismailov, A representation problem for smooth sums of ridge functions, Journal of Approximation Theory 257 (2020), Article 105448, (WoS, Scopus, Q2).
3. Alik M. Najafov, Sain T. Alekberli, Some properties of grand Sobolev-Morrey spaces with dominant mixed derivatives, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Volume 13, Number 4 (2019), 1171–1180 (WoS, Scopus, Q2).
4. Alik M. Najafov, Rovshan F. Babayev, On embeddings of grand grand Sobolev-Morrey spaces with dominant mixed derivatives, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 13(1) (2020), pp. 1–10 (WoS).
5. Alik M. Najafov, Sain T. Alekberli, On solvability of p-harmonic type equations in grand Sobolev spaces, European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, v.13, No 3, 2020, p.579-586 (WoS).
6. R.A.Aliev, Kh.I.Nebiyeva, The A-integral and Restricted Complex Riesz Transform, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, 10:1 (2020), 209-221, (WoS, Scopus, Q3).
7. Rashid A. Aliev, Aynur N. Ahmadova, Discrete Ahlfors-Beurling transform and its properties, Probl. Anal. Issues Anal. 2: 9 (27) (2020), 3-15, (WoS, Scopus, Q3).
8. A.Kh. Asgarova, On the density of a sum of algebras in the space of continuous functions, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics V. 10, No 1, 2020, pp. 102-109 (WoS, Scopus, Q3).
Digər jurnallarda çap olunmuş məqalələr
1. Rashid A.Aliev, Khanim I. Nebiyeva, The A-integral and Restricted Riesz Transform, Constructive Mathematical Analysis, 3:3 (2020), 104-112.
Diferensial tənliklər şöbəsi
1. A. B. Aliev and G. Kh. Shafieva, Mixed Problem with Dynamical Boundary Condition for a One-Dimensional Wave Equation with Strong Dissipation Mathematical Notes, 2020, Vol. 107, No. 3, pp. 152–155. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2020
2. A. B. Aliev and S. E. Isayeva, Attractors for Semilinear Wave Equations with Acoustic Transmission Conditions , Differential Equations, 2020, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 447–461. _c Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2020.
3. Akbar B. Aliev, Samira O. Rustamova , Mixed problem for one-dimensional wave equation with dynamic boundary condition, Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci.Mathematics, 40 (1), (2020), p. 1-13. (Scopus)
4. Nigar Aslanova “On selfadjoint extensions of symmetric operatr with exit from space”
5. V.S.Guliyev, Tahir Gadjiev “The Dirichlet problem for the uniformly elliptic equation in generalized weighted Money spacer.” Studia Scientiarum Mathematicanium Hungaria, 57 (1), 2020, p. 68-90. (IF.0.309)
6. Tahir Gadjiev ICMSEM- 2020. Preceeding The Fourteenth International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management. – The Behaviour of Solutions to Degenerate Double Nonlinear Parabolic Equations. p. 1-15. Springer (EI retevrial)
7. Tahir Gadjiev ICMSEM- 2020. Preceeding The Fourteenth International conference on Management Science and Engineering Management. – A mathematical model of soil fertilityty. p.21-39 Springer(EI retevrial)
8. Tahir Gadjiev Solvability foundary value problem for degenerated equations – Ukr. Mat. Journal, 2020, 72, № 4 (IF.0.432)
9. Tahir Gadjiev Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mathematics, 40 (2), 1-13 (2020). The behavior of solution higher order nonlinear parabolic equations.
10. Tahir Gadjiev “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”. Publisher intends – Springer. 2020,volume.
11. С. Алиев, Н.Б. Керимов, В.А. Мехрабов, О сходимости разложений по собственным функциям одной краевой задачи со спектральным параметром в граничных условиях, I, Дифференциальные уравнения (Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics; İF 0.677) 56(2) 2020, 147-161.
12. З.С. Алиев, Н.Б. Керимов, В.А. Мехрабов, О сходимости разложений по собственным функциям одной краевой задачи со спектральным параметром в граничных условиях, II, Дифференциальные уравнения, (Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics; İF 0.677)56(3), 2020, 291-302.
13. Z.S. Aliyev, P.R. Manafova, Oscillation properties for the Dirac equation with spectral parameter in the boundary condition, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics; İF 0.856)43(2) (2020), 1449–1463.
14. Z.S. Aliyev, F. M. Namazov, Spectral properties of the equation of a vibrating rod at both ends of which the masses are concentrated, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics; İF 0.969) 14(2), (2020), 585–606.
15. Z.S. Aliyev, G.M. Mamedova, Some properties of eigenfunctions for the equation of vibrating beam with a spectral parameter in the boundary conditions, Journal of Differential Equations(Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics; İF 2.192) 269( 2) (2020), 1383-1400.
16. Z.S. Aliyev, Sh.M. Hasanova, Global bifurcation of positive solutions from zero in nonlinearizable elliptic problems with indefinite weight, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications(Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics; İF 1.220)491(1)( 2020).
17. Z.S. Aliyev, L.V. Nasirova (Ashurova), Bifurcation of positive and negative solutions of nonlinearizable Sturm-Liouville problems with indefinite weight, Miskolc Mathematical Notes (Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics; İF 0.677) 21(1) (2020), 19-29.
18. З.С. Алиев, Ф.М. Намазов, Базисные свойства корневых функций одной вибрационной краевой задачи с граничными условиями, зависящими от спектрального параметра, Дифференциальные уравнения (Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics; İF 0.677) 56(8) (2020), 995-1000.
19. Z.S. Aliyev and X.A. Asadov, Global bifurcation from zero in some fourth order nonlinear eigenvalue problems, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics; İF 0.856) (2020), pp. 1-12,
20. Z.S. Aliyev, Ya.T. Mehraliyev, E.H. Yusifova, Inverse boundary value problem for a third-order partial differential equation with integral conditions, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society (Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics; İF 0.357) (2020), pp. 1-22.
21. K.F. Abdullayeva, Z.S. Aliyev, N.B. Kerimov, On the uniform convergence of Fourier series expansions in the system of eigenfunctions of the equation of a vibrating rod at one end of which the mass is concentrated, Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics) 46(2) (2020), 1-17
22. Б.А.Алиев, В.З.Керимов. Асимптотическое поведение собственных значений одной краевой задачи для эллиптического дифференциально-операторного уравнения второго порядка со спектральным параметром в уравнении и в граничном условии. Дифференциальные уравнения, 2020, том 56, №2, с.195-203. (İF 0.677)
23. Б.А.Алиев, В.З.Керимов, Я.С.Якубов. Вопросы разрешимости одной краевой задачи для эллиптических дифференциально-операторных уравнений второго порядка с квадратичным комплексным параметром. Дифференциальные уравнения, 2020, том 56, №10, с.1339-1350. (İF 0.677)
24. А.Ханмамедов. Об обратной задаче рассеяния для уравнения Шредингера с дополнительным линейным потенциалом // Теоретическая и Математическая Физика, 202(1): 66–80 (2020). (Индексируется в Web of Science Core Collection, Impact Factor 0.901)
25. А.Ханмамедов. Об операторе преобразования для уравнения Шредингера с дополнительным линейным потенциалом // Функциональный анализ и его приложения, 2020, т.54,№1, с.93–96. (Индексируется в Web of Science Core Collection, Impact Factor 0.712)
26. А.Ханмамедов. Обратная спектральная задача для одномерного оператора Штарка на полуоси// Украинский математический журнал, 2020, т. 72, № 4, с.494-508. (Индексируется в Web of Science Core Collection, Impact Factor 0.326)
27. А.Ханмамедов. О нулях модифицированной функции Бесселя второго рода// Журнал Вычислительной Математики и Математической Физики, 2020, том 60, № 5, с. 104–107. (Индексируется в Web of Science Core Collection, Impact Factor 0.774)
28. A.Khanmamedov. Transformation operators for the Schrodinger equation with a linearly increasing potential// Transactions Issue Mathematics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, Series of physical-technical & mathematics science, Volume 40 (2020), Issue 1, pp. 21-27. (Индексируется в SCOPUS)
29. A.Khanmamedov. On the Completeness of the System of Airy Functions//Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics V. 10, No 2, 2020, July, pp.105-109(Индексируется в Web of Science Core Collection)
30. A.Khanmamedov. Inverse spectral problem of an anharmonic oscillator on a half-axis with the Neumann boundary condition // J. Inverse Ill-Posed Problems, 2020; Published online: 16 Jul 2020, pp. 1–14 (Индексируется в Web of Science Core Collection, Impact Factor 0.938).
31. S.Aliyev, A.Aliyeva. The investigation of one-dimensional mixed problem for one class of nonlinear fourt order equations. The European Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences, Vienna, 2, 2020, p.16 -18.
32. T. B. Gasymov, A.M. Akhtyamov, N.R. Ahmedzade, On the basicity in weighted Lebesgue spaces of eigenfunctions of a second-order differential operator with a discontinuity point. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Volume 46, Number 1, 2020, Pages 32–44 (WOS (Emerging Sources Citation Index), Scopus (SJR-0.28, Q3))
33. N.R. Ahmedzade, Z.A. Kasumov, On the solvability Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation with the boundary value in grand-Lebesgue space. Nakhchivan State University. Scientific works. The series of Physical, mathematical and technical sciences.2020 №5 (106), pp 62-69.
34. M. Kandemir and O. Sh. Mukhtarov, Manypoint boundary-value problems for elliptic differential-operator equations with interior singularities, Mediterr. J. Math. (2020) 17:35.
35. Oktay Sh. Mukhtarov and Merve Yücel, A Study of the Eigenfunctions of the Singular Sturm Liouville Problem Using the Analytical Method and the Decomposition Technique, Mathematics 2020, 8(3), 415;
36. O. Sh. Mukhtarov, M. Yücel and K. Aydemir, Treatment a New Approximation Method and Its Justification for Sturm Liouville Problems, Complexity, vol. 2020, pp. 1–8, May 2020.
Tezis və konfrans materialları:
1. Алиев А.Б., Фархадова Е.М., Исследования математической модели колебаний подвесного моста имеющий общую точку контакта с кабелем. ВВМШ Понтрягинские чтения ( Beynəlxalq konfransın Materialları, Voronej – Rusiya) /Воронежский государственный университет 2020 г.3–9 мая.-стр.23.
2. Рустамова С.О. Смешанная задача для одномерного волнового уравнения с динамическим граничным условием /Воронежский государственный университет 2020 г.3–9 мая.-стр. 168 (şöbənin dissertantı, elmi rəhbər – prof. Ə.Əliyev)
3. Gadjiev T., Suleymanova K., Galandarova Sh. The regularity of solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations with discontinuous coefficients. XХXV International Conference PROBLEMS OF DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTIES (PDMU-2020, May 11-15), p. 42
4. Gadjiev T., Rasulov R. Nonlinear elliptic equations with VMO coefficients. XХXV International Conference PROBLEMS OF DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTIES (PDMU-2020, May 11-15), p. 42
5. Gadjiev T., Kerimova M., Gasanova G. The solvability of boundary value problem for degenerate equations. XХXV International Conference PROBLEMS OF DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTIES (PDMU-2020, May 11-15), p. 42.
6. Gadjiev T., Rustamov Y., Maharramova T. Forcing the system by a drift. XХXV International Conference PROBLEMS OF DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTIES (PDMU-2020, May 11-15), p. 43
7. Gadjiev T., Yangaliyeva A., Aliev X. The behavior of solutions to degenerate nonlinear parabolic equations. XХXV International Conference PROBLEMS OF DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTIES (PDMU-2020, May 11-15), p. 43
8. Б.А.Алиев, В.З.Керимов. О разрешимости одной краевой задачи для эллиптических дифференциально-операторных уравнений второго порядка с комплексным параметром в уравнении и в граничном условии. Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 97-ci ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat, mexanika və onların tətbiqləri” mövzusunda Respublika virtual Elmi konfransı, 20-21 May, 2020.
9. Sh.A. Muradova. “Some conditions for boundedness parabolic maximal operator in anisotropic generalized Morrey spaces”. Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 97-ci ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat, mexanika və onların tətbiqləri” mövzusunda Respublika virtual Elmi konfransı, 20-21 May, 2020, s.178.
10. Sh.A. Muradova. «On Boundedness Of Anisotropic Singular Operator in Anisotropic Generalized Morrey Spaces». “İnformasiya, Elm, Texnologiya və Universitet perspektivləri”, Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti, Respublika virtual Elmi konfransı, 18 dekabr, 2020
11. N.R. Ahmedzade, Z.A. Kasumov, On the Solvability Dirichlet Problem for the Laplace Equation with the Boundary Value in Grand-Lebesgue Space. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA-2020), 24-27 iyun, 2020, İstanbul, Türkiyə.
Riyazi fizika tənlikləri şöbəsi
1. Ə. Axundov, A. Həbibova, Bir sinif parabolik tənliklər sistemi üçün tərs məsələ haqqında. Bakı Mühəndislik Universiteti jurnalı, № 1, 2020.
2. Farman Mamedov, Nazira Mammadzade, Lars-Erik Persson, A New Fractional Order Poincare’s Inequality With Weights. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 2020/4/1, Volume 23, Issue 2, pp. 611-624.
3. Z.S. Aliyev, N.B. Kerimov, V.A. Mehrabov, Convergence of Eigenfunction Expansions for a Boundary Value Problem with Spectral Parameter in the Boundary Conditions. I. Differential Equations, 2020, v. 56, № 2, pp. 143-157.
4. Z.S. Aliyev, N.B. Kerimov, V.A. Mehrabov, Convergence of Eigenfunction Expansions for a Boundary Value Problem with Spectral Parameter in the Boundary Conditions. II. Differential Equations, 2020, v. 56, № 3, pp. 277-289.
5. Konul F. Abdullayeva, Ziyatkhan S. Aliyev and Nazim B. Kerimov, On the uniform convergence of Fourier series expansions in the system of eigenfunctions of the equation of a vibrating rod at one end of which the mass is concentrated. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, 46 (2) (2020).
6. Sh.G. Bagyrov, Nonexistence of Global Positive Solutions of Weakly Coupled Systems of Semilinear Parabolic Equations with Time-Periodic Coefficients. Differential Equations, 2020, v. 56, № 6, pp. 721-733.
7. Shirmail G. Bagirov, K.A. Guliyev, Non-existence of global solution of a semi-linear parabolic equation with a singular potential, Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mathematics, 40 (1), 79-87 (2020).
Elmi populyar məqalələr
1. Misir Mərdanov, Aynur Həsənova, Səbinə Salmanova, Riyaziyyat bütün elmlərin açarıdır. Respublika qəzeti, 13 mart, 2020, № 56 (6675), s. 5.
2. Mərdanov M., Həsənova A. Nüfuzlu elmi jurnal hazırlamağın qaydaları. “Azərbaycan məktəbi”. (2020), № 1 (690), s. 177-198.
Konfrans materialları
1. Abdurrahim Quliyev, On equivalence of Petrovsky and Wiener criteria for the heat equation in simmetrical domains. 3rd İnternational Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA 2020), June 24-27 2020, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey.
2. Guliyev Abdurrahim, Abdullayeva Aydan, The bilateral estimates of parabolic potentials in special domains. Respublika Elmi-praktiki konfrans, Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti, 18 dekabr, 2020.
3. Guliyev Abdurrahim, Asadli Afag, Wiener’s Criterion for the Heat Equation in the symmetric domains. Respublika Elmi-praktiki konfrans, Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti, 18 dekabr, 2020.
4. A.Y. Akhundov, N.J. Pashayev, A.Sh. Gabibova, On an inverse problem for a “weak” system of parabolic equations. XXXV International Conference Problems of decision making under uncertainties (PDMU-2020), May 11-15, 2020, Baku-Sheki, Republic of Azerbaijan, p. 10.
5. Axundov Ə., Aslanov H., Hüseynov Z. İqtisadi göstəricisi periodik xarakterə malik proseslərin stasionar sıralarının harmonik analizi. Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 97-ci ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Rəqəmsal iqtisadiyyatda müasir riyazi üsulların tətbiqi” adlı Beynəlxalq elmi-praktiki konfrans, Bakı Biznes Universiteti, 20 fevral, 2020, 5 səh. .
6. Axundov Ədalət, Əliyev Azərin, Hiperbolik tənlikdə sağ tərəfin tapılması haqqında tərs məsələ. Respublika Elmi-praktiki konfrans, Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti, 18 dekabr, 2020.
7. Farman Mamedov and Yusuf Zeren, On local properties of degenerated parabolic equations. 3rd İnternational Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA 2020), June 24-27 2020, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, p. 23.
8. Farman Mamedov and Sayali Memmedli, On liouville theorem for degenerated parabolic equations. 3rd İnternational Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA 2020), June 24-27 2020, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, p. 184.
9. Farman Mamedov and Cesaret Qasimov, On estimates of the fundamental solution of the degenerate parabolic equations. 3rd İnternational Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA 2020), June 24-27 2020, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, p. 66.
10. Farman Mamedov and Nazira Mammadzade, An interpolation inequality for weight cases. 3rd İnternational Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA 2020), June 24-27 2020, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, p. 152.
11. Sh.Yu. Salmanova, The dirichlet problem for of semilinear elliptic equations of the second order. 3rd İnternational Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA 2020), June 24-27 2020, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, p. 189.
12. Ş.H. Bağırov, N.Z. Musayeva, Sinqulyar potensialli yarimxətti parabolik tənliyin müsbət qlobal həllinin yoxluğu, Azərbaycan xalqının ümummilli lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasinin 97-ci ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat, mexanika və onların tətbiqləri” adlı respublika elmi konfransı, BDU, Bakı, 2020.
13. Bağırov Ş.H., Qasımova X.Ə. Zaman arqumentinə nəzərən periodik əmsallı ikinci tərtib yarımxətti parabolik tənliyin müsbət qlobal həllinin varlığı. Azərbaycan xalqının ümummilli lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasinin 97-ci ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat, mexanika və onlarin tətbiqləri” adlı respublika elmi konfransı, BDU, Bakı, 2020.
14. Elchin Mamedov, On a blow up property of solutions some nonlinear problem. 3rd İnternational Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA 2020), June 24-27 2020, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, p. 214.
15. Aynur Hasanova, On the existence of a integral solution of the inverse problem for equation of parabolic type. 3rd İnternational Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA 2020), June 24-27 2020, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, p. 48.
Qeyri-harmonik analiz şöbəsi
1. V.F. Salmanov, V.S.Mirzoyev, S.A.Nuriyeva, On Basicity of discontinuous phase exponential system in the Sobolev space of piecewise differentiable functions, Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Volume 45, Number 2, 2019, Pages 311–318 (WOS (Emerging Sources Citation Index), Scopus (SJR-0.28, Q3))
2. B. T. Bilalov, F.A. Alizade, M.F. Rasulov, On bases of trigonometric systems in Hardy-Orlicz spaces and Riesz theorem. Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mathematics. Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mathematics, 39 (4), 1-11 (2019). (SCOPUS, Q4)
3. Ismailov M.I. On Bessel and Riesz-Fisher systems with respect to Banach space of vector-valued sequences, No. 2 – Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, v. 12 (2019 ) Series III: Mathematics, Informatics, Physics, 303-318. (SCOPUS, Zentralblatt MATH, Q4)
4. B. T. Bilalov & S. R. Sadigova (2020) On solvability in the small of higher order elliptic equations in grand-Sobolev spaces, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, DOI: 10.1080/17476933.2020.1807965 (WOS-Science Citation Index Expanded, IF-0.806, Q2)
5. Bilalov B.T., Guliyeva A.E. Hardy Banach Spaces, Cauchy Formula and Riesz Theorem. Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, V. 10, No 2, 2020, pp. 157-174 ((WOS (Emerging Sources Citation Index), Scopus (SJR-0.35, Q3))
6. Bilalov, B., Muradov, T. & Seyidova, F. On basicity of perturbed exponential system with piecewise linear phase in Morrey-type spaces. Afr. Mat. (2020), Q3). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13370-020-00817-x (WOS (Emerging Sources Citation Index), Scopus (SJR-025, Q3))
7. Bilal T. Bilalov, Sabina R. Sadigova, Aysel E. Guliyeva, Double bases from generalized Faber polynomials with complex-valued coefficients in weighted Lebesgue spaces. Hacet. J. Math. Stat. Volume XX (x) (2020), 1 – 17 DOI : 10.15672/HJMS.xx (WOS-Science Citation Index Expanded, IF-0.605, Q3)
8. Telman B. Gasymov, Azamat M. Akhtyamov and Nigar R. Ahmedzade. On the basicity of eigenfunctions of a second-order differential operator with a discontinuity point in weighted Lebesgue spaces. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Volume 46, Number 1, 2020, Pages 32–44 https://doi.org/10.29228/proc.15 (WOS (Emerging Sources Citation Index), Scopus (SJR-0.28, Q3))
9. Migdad I. Ismailov, On the Solvability of Riemann Problems in Grand Hardy Classes, Mathematical Notes, 2020, Vol. 108, No. 2, pp. 55–69. (WOS-Science Citation Index Expanded, IF-0.612. Q3)
10. Yusuf Zeren, Migdad Ismailov, and Cemil Karacam, Korovkin-type theorems and their statistical versions in grand Lebesgue spaces, Turk. J. Math., (2020) 44, pp. 1027 – 1041. (WOS- Science Citation Index Expanded, IF-0.658, Q3)
11. Y. Zeren, M. Ismailov and Fatih Sirin, On basicity of the system of eigenfunctions of one discontinuous spectral problem for second order differential equation for grand-Lebesgue space, Turk. J. Math., (2020) 44, № 5, 1995-1612. (WOS- Science Citation Index Expanded, IF-0.658, Q3)
12. Migdad I. Ismailov, On Hausdor-Young inequalities in generalized Lebesgue spaces, Turk. J. Math., (2020) 44, № 5, pp. 1757-1767 (WOS- Science Citation Index Expanded, IF-0.658, Q3)
13. Nigar Ahmedzade, Zaur Kasumov. On the solvability of the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation with the boundary value in grand-Lebesgue space. Nakhchivan State University. Scientific works. The series of Physical, mathematical and technical sciences.2020 №5 (106), pp 62-69.
1. Bilalov B.T., Guliyeva A.E. Hardy Banach Spaces, Cauchy Formula and Riesz Theorem. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA-2020), 24-27 June, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 20
2. Bilal Bilalov and Fidan Alizadeh. On Solvability of Rieman Boundary Value Problems in Hardy-Orlicz Classes and Applications to Basis Problems. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA-2020), 24-27 June, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 84
3. Muradov T.R., Seyidova F.Sh. On basicity of perturbed exponential system with piecewise linear phase in Morrey-type spaces. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA-2020), 24-27 June, Istanbul, Turkey
4. Huseynli A.A., Sadigova S.R. Double Bases from Generalized Faber Polynomials with Complex-valued Coefficients in Weighted Lebesgue Spaces with General Weight. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA-2020), 24-27 June, Istanbul, Turkey
5. Qasımov T.B., Məhərrəmova G.V., Ömərova G.S. Kəsilmə nöqtəsinə malik bir spektral məsələnin məxsusi ədədlərinin və məxsusi funksiyalarının xassələri // Azərb.Xalq.Ümum.Lideri H.Əliyevin anadan olmasının 97-ci ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat,Mexanika və onların tətbiqləri” adlı respublika elmi konfransının materialları, Bakı,20-21 may 2020.
6. Shukurov A.Sh., Garayev T.Z., On frame properties of iterates of a multiplication operator, 3rd İnternational E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA2020), June 24-27 2020, Yildiz Technical University,Turkey
7. Shukurov A.Sh., Garayev T.Z., On the completeness and minimality of the exponential system with degenerate coefficients, 3rd İnternational E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA2020), June 24-27 2020, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
8. N.R. Ahmedzade, Z.A. Kasumov, On the Solvability Dirichlet Problem for the Laplace Equation with the Boundary Value in Grand-Lebesgue Space. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA-2020) , 24-27 iyun, 2020, İstanbul, Türkiyə
9. М.И.Исмайлов, Н.И.Рамазанова, O несчетной бесселевости системы в несепарабельных гильбертовых пространствах, Azərbaycanın Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 97-cı il dönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və mexanikanın aktual problemləri” adlı Respublika elmi konfransının materialları, Bakı, May 17-19, 2020, səh.131-132.
10. Y. Zeren, M. Ismailov, and C. Karacam, On basicity of the system of exponents and trigonometric systems in the weighted grand-Lebesgue spaces, 3nd International Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, June 24-27, 2020, Istanbul, Turkey, 204.
11. Y. Zeren, M. Ismailov, and F. Sirin, On basicity of eigenfunctions of one discontinuous spectral problem in weighted grand-Lebesgue spaces, 3nd International Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, June 24-27, 2020, Istanbul, Turkey, 205
12. F.I. Mamedov, V.A. Mamedova, Y. Shukurov, A Phragmen–Lindelöf type theorem for the elliptic equations with small coefficients in unbounded domains. International Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” devoted to the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics 23-25 October, 2019, Baku, Azerbaijan, pp. 354-356
13. V.A. Mamedova, On Holder regularity of the degenerated parabolic equations. 3rd International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, June 24-27, 2020, Istanbul / TURKEY, p. 200
Optimal idarəetmə şöbəsi
1. Misir J.Mardanov, Telman K.Melikov, Samin T.Malik, Kamran Malikov. “First-and Second-Order Necessary Conditions with Respect to Component For Discrete Optimal Control Problems” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 364, Article number: UNSP 112342 Published: JAN 15 2020.Clarivate Ananlytics(Q1)
2. М.Дж.Марданов, Т.К.Меликов. «К необходимые условиям оптимальности в дискретных системах управленния», Известия Иркутского Государственного Университета серия «Математика», т. 31, с. 49-61, 2020. T.R. (Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SCOPUS)
3. M.J.Mardanov, T.K.Melikov, R.A.Bandaliyev, I.G.Mamedov. Fractional optimal control problem for ordinary differential equation in weighted Lebesgue spaces, Optimization letters, 14, pp.1519-1532, 2020. T.R. 41
4. M.J. Mardanov, E.N. Mahmudov. “On Duality in optimal control problems with second-order differential inclusions and initial-point constraints”, Proceedings of the İnstitute of Mathematics and Mechanics , vol. 46, №1, 2020, p. 115-128. (Web of Science, SCOPUS)
5. Misir Mərdanov, Aynur Həsənova, Səbinə Salmanova. “Riyaziyyat bütün elmlərin açarıdır”, Respublika qəzeti, 13 mart, 2020-ci il, səh. 5.
6. Misir J.Mardanov, Samin T.Malik, Discrete maximum principle in system with a delay in control. Proceedings of the Istitute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume 46, Number 2, December 2020, pp.
7. M.J.Mardanov, H.F.Guliyev, Z.R.Safarova. The problem of starting control with two intermediate moments of observation in the boundary value problem for the hyperbolic equation, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, 2020; 1–10.. T.R. 39.İ.F. 1.895.
8. M.J.Mardanov, Y.A.Sharifov. EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS RESULTS FOR THE FIRST-ORDER NON-LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH MULTI-POINT BOUNDARY CONDITIONS. The 7th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications Baku, Azerbaijan, 26-28 August, 2020 Web of Science.
9. M.J.Mardanov, Y.A.Sharifov, R.A.Sardarova, H.N.Aliyev “Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions Differential Equations with three-point and Integral Boundary Conditions”, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, vol. 10, № 1, p. 110-126, 2020. T.R. 36.
10. M.J.Mardanov, Y.A.Sharifov, K.E.Ismayilova. Existence and uniqueness of solutions for the system of integro-differential equations with three-point and nonlinear integral boundary conditions, Bulletin of the Karaganda University, MATHEMATICS series. № 3(99)/2020. pp. 26-37. DOI 10.31489/2020M3/26-37 MSC 34B37, 37C25, 37C75, TR-38.
11. Марданов М. Дж., Рзаев Р.Р., Ализаде П.Е. Об одном подходе к фаззификации данных на примере временного ряда индекса Доу-Джонса. Математические машины и системы, Институт Проблем Математических Машин и Систем, Киев, 2020, №2, стр. 3 – 13.
12. Mardanov M.C., Rzaev R.R. Alizade P.E. About one approach to modeling and forecasting the fuzzy time series, Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, 26-28 August, 2020.
13. Марданов М.Дж., Acланов P.М., Исаева С.Э. Нравственные и духовные ценности в трудах Насреддина Туси.//Перспективы и приоритеты педагогического образования в эпоху трансформаций, выбора и вызовов. – Казань: Издательство Казанского университета, 2020. – 346 с. (стр.200-210).
14. Mardanov M.C., Aslanov R.M., İsayeva S.E. Moral and Spiritual Values in Works of Nasreddin Tusi.//ARPHA Proceedings 3: 159-169, doi:10.3897/ap.2.e0159. Published: 25 Nov 2020.
15. K.R.Aida-zade. Numerical Solution of Linear Differential Equations with Nonlocal Nonlinear Conditions // J. Comput., Math., Physics 2020 V. 60. N.5 p. 808-816. SCOPUS, Web of Sciences IF-0.565, Q4.
16. K.R.Aida-zade, V.M.Abdullayev. Control synthesis for temperature maintaining process in a heat supply problem// Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2020, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 380-391. (Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SCOPUS).
17. K.R. Aida-zade, V.M.Abdullayev. On the numerical solution to optimal control problems with non-local conditions // TWMS J. App. Eng. Math. 2020, Vol.10, No.1, pp. 47-69. Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SCOPUS.
18. Aida-zade K.R., Abdullayev V.M. Optimization of the right sides of boundary condition with pount and integral values for the ODE system // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, V.12422, 2020, p. 1-15. (Web of Science, Scopus).
19. K.R. Aida-zade, V.A.Hashimov. Synthesis of Locally Lumped Controls for Membrane Stabilization with Optimization of Sensor and Vibration Suppressor Locations // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics V. 60, No. 7, p. 1092-1107. SCOPUS, Web of Sciences IF-0.565, Q4.
20. Айда-заде К.Р., Гашимов В.A. Управление с обратной связью процессом нагрева пластины с оптимизацией мест расположения источников и контроля. Автоматика и телемеханика, 2020, №4, с.120-139. (Web of Science (Science Citation İndex), SCOPUS).
21. Y.S.Gasimov, N.H.Cana, O. Nikan, H.Jafari, M.N.Rasoulizadeh. Numerical computation of the time nonlinear fractional generalized equal width model arising in shallow water channel. Thermal Science, 2020. (Web of Science Impact Factor – 1.574).
22. Y.S.Gasimov, Sh.E.Guseynov, J.E.Napoles-Valdes. On some properties of limit cycles of the Biryukov equation. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Vol. 46, № 2, 2020. (Web of Science Emerging Source Citation Index).
23. Aliyev N., Mehrmann V., Mengi E. “Approximation of stability radii for large-scale dissipative Hamiltonian systems”, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2020, 46:6,
24. Acланов P.М., Сушков В.В. Содержательно-методические линии комплексного анализа и их реализация в сборнике задач по теории функций комплексного переменного: линия аналитических функций // Вестник Набережночелнинского государственного педагогического университета: сборник научных трудов. Вып. 2(27). – Набережные Челны, 2020. – С. 6-9.
25. Acланов P.М., Игнатушина И.В. О курсе истории математики в педагогическом вузе // Вестник Набережночелнинского государственного педагогического университета: сборник научных трудов. Вып. 2(27). – Набережные Челны, 2020. – С. 24-27.
1. Mardanov M.C., Rzaev R.R. Alizade P.E. About one approach to modeling and forecasting the fuzzy time series, Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, 26-28 August, 2020.
2. Мисир Дж. Марданов, Самин Т. Малик, Дискретный принцип максимума в системе с запаздыванием в управлении. Федеральное Государственное Бюджетное Образовательное Учреждение Высшего Образования “Иркутский Государственный Университет” Международная Конференция Динамические Системы И Компьютерные Науки: Теория И Приложения (Dysc 2020) 19-22 Октября 2020 Г. Иркутск.
3. M.J.Mardanov, Y.A.Sharifov. EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS RESULTS FOR THE FIRST-ORDER NON-LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH MULTI-POINT BOUNDARY CONDITIONS. The 7th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications Baku, Azerbaijan, 26-28 August, 2020 Web of Science
4. H.F.Quliyev, X.İ.Seyfullayeva. “Nazik lövhənin rəqsləri tənliyi üçün bir idarəolunma məsələsi”. Riyaziyyatın fundamental problemləri və intellektual texnologiyaların təhsildə tətbiqi. Respublika Elmi konfransı. Sumqayıt, 2020. səh. 48-49.
5. Acланов P.М., Игнатова О.Г. Межпредметные связи математики и физики в основной школе как средство развития функциональной грамотности с применением электронных таблиц. // Математика – основа компетенций цифровой эры: Материалы XXXIX Международного научного семинара преподавателей математики и информатики университетов и педагогических вузов (01-02 октября 2020 года). – Москва: ГАОУ ВО МГПУ, 2020 – 396 с. Стр.31-34.
6. Acланов P.М., Сушков В.В. Содержательно-методические линии комплексного анализа как основа для разработки электронных обучающих средств.// Математика – основа компетенций цифровой эры: Материалы XXXIX Международного научного семинара преподавателей математики иинформатики университетов и педагогических вузов (01-02 октября 2020 года).– Москва: ГАОУ ВО МГПУ, 2020 – 396 с. Стр.34-38.
7. Acланов P.М. Современные образовательные web-технологии в реализации личностного потенциала обучающихся. Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждениевысшего образования «Национальный исследовательскийНижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского» Арзамасский филиал ННГУ. Сборник статей участников международной научно-практической конференции 20-21 мая 2020 г., г. Арзамас. 580 стр.
1. 1920-ci ilədək ali məktəblərdə oxumuş azərbaycanlılar (AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü, prof. Misir Mərdanov, pof. Ədalət Tahirzadə) kitabının 4-cü cildi;
2. Ali riyaziyyat dərsliyi (AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü, prof. Misir Mərdanov, dos. Sevda İsayeva və prof. Ramiz Aslanov)- (536 səh.).
3. Сборник задач по теории функций комплексного переменного: текстовое учебное электронное издание на компакт-диске / Р.М.Асланов, Е.А.Горин, В.В.Сушков; Федер. гос. бюдж. образоват. учреждение высш. образования «Сыктыв. гос. ун-т им. Питирима Сорокина». – Электрон. текстовые дан. (1,7 Мб). – Сыктывкар: Изд-во СГУ им. Питирима Сорокина, 2020. – 1 опт. компакт-диск (CD-ROM). – ISBN 978-5-906810-47-21.
Elastiklik və plastiklik nəzəriyyəsi şöbəsi
1. A.H.Movsumova. Free vibration of inhomogeneous, orthotropic and medium-contacting cylindrical panel stiffened with annular ribs. International Journal on “Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering”. Martch 2020, Issue 42, Volume 12, Number 1, Pages 40-43. (Scoups).
2. Shiriyev A.J. Free vibration of inhomogeneous medium-contacting inhomogeneous cylindrical shell. İnternational journal on “Tecnical and Physical Problem of Engineering” (IJTPE) Published by İnternational Organization of IOTPE, June 2020, Issue 43, Volume 12, Number 2, Pages 6-10. (Scoups)
3. Gulnar Mirzayeva, Vusala Rzayeva. Analysis free oscillations of a non-homogeneous pipe along’s thickness and length, taking into account the resistance of the external environment. Technology audit and production reserves. № 5/1(55), 2020, pp. 24-27. РИНЦ,
Dalğa dinamikasi şöbəsi
1. Agalarov, J.H., Mamedova, G.A. Gasanova, T.J. Unloading wave in a cylindrical net. Mechanics of Solids Springer Journals, Scopus vol.54 (2019), ISSN 0025-6544, №8, p.1138–1143, published 12 may 2020 .
2. Агаларов Дж.Г., Мамедова Г.А. Cвободные колебания подвешенных концентрических пластин. East European Science Journal (Восточно Европейский Научный Журнал), Польша, РИНЦ, ISSN: 2468-5380, Cosmos Impact Factor- 4.464, № 62, c.17-23, 2020.
3. N. B. Rasulova, M. B. Rasulov A new class of homogeneous solutions for plane elastodynamic problems. ISSN 0025-6544, Mechanics of Solids, Springer Journals, 2020, Vol. 55, No. 7, p. 139–143.
4. J.H. Agalarov, M.A. Rustamova, T.J.Hasanova. The propagation of nonlinear waves in a structure consisting of cylindric net system. Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics V. 8, No 1, ISSN : 1560-4055, 2020, July, p.17-24.
Sürüncəklik nəzəriyyəsi şöbəsi
1. М. В. Мир-Салим-заде. Равнопрочное отверстие для стрингерной пластины с трещинами // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Математика и механика, 2020, № 64, с. 121-135.
2. Mir-Salim-zade M.V. Повышение несущей способности стрингерной пластины с отверстием и прямолинейными трещинами // XXI Межд. научно-техн. конф. «Актуальные проблемы строительства и строительной индустрии», Тула, 29-30 июня 2020 г, c. 110-114.
3. Minavar V. Mir-Salim-zade. Determination of the Equi-stress Hole Shape for a Stringer Plate Weakened by a Surface Crack // Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2020, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 16-26.
4. Emin T. Bagirov. On the dispersion of torsional waves in a “hollow cylinder + surrounding medium” system with inhomogeneous initial stresses // Tran.Natl. acad. Sci. azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. math. Sci. mechanics, 40 (7), 9-19 (2020).
1. Bagirov E.T. On the solution method of the problems related to the dispersion of the torsional waves in a “hollow cylinder+surrounding medium” system with inhomogeneous initial stresses / II International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists “Multidisciplinary approaches in solving modern problems of fundamental and applied sciences” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, 03-06 march, 2020, p.4-7.
2. E.T. Bagirov. On the dispersion of torsional waves in a “hollow cylinder + Surrounding medium” system with inhomogeneous initial stresses / The7th InternationalConference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications Baku, Azerbaijan, 26-28 August, 2020, p.113-115
Maye və qaz mexanikasi şöbəsi
1. Панахов Г.М., Аббасов Э.М., Балакчи В.Д. Водоизолирующие глиносодержащие композиции с регулируемыми характеристиками набухания // Azərbaycan Neft Təsərrüfatı, № 8, 2020. – S. 27 – 33.
2. Geylani M. Panahov, Eldar M. Abbasov, Afet O. Yuzbashiyeva, Parviz T. Museibli Flow control of fluids through porous media based on electrokinetic effects // Tran. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mechanics, 40 (7), 28–36 (2020).
3. Elkhan M. Abbasov, Gulshan R. Agayeva, Nurlana A. Agaeva, Nurlana A. Agaeva, Tarana S. Kengerli Simulation of Gas-Liquid Mixture Movement through a Pipeline on the Seabed, Taking into Account the Heat Exchange Process // January 2019Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics 07(12): 3073-3082.
4. Museibli P.T. Mathematical modelling of effect of electrostatic field formating on hydraulic characteristics of two phase mixtures flow // Advances and applications in mathematical sciences, 2019, vol.19, no.1, pp. 21 – 32 (Web of Science Core Collection: Emerging Sources Citation Index).
5. Parviz T. Museibli On the electrostatic field in expansion dynamics of gas bubbles // «Вестник Самарского государственного технического университета, серия «Физико-математические науки», 2019, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 756 – 763. (Web of Science Core Collection: Emerging Sources Citation Index).
6. Rüstəmov Y.İ., Əsgərova Ş.S. Acınohur düzü torpaqlarının münbitliyinin qiymətləndirilməsi // Azərbaycan Aqrar Elmi , № 4, Bakı, 2019, səh. 9-13.
7. Rustamov Y., Gadjiev T., Yanqaliyeva A. The Behaviour of Solutions to Degenerate Double Nonlinear Parabolic Equations // ICMSEM 2020, AISC 1190, Vol. 1, Moldova on July 30 – August 2, 2020, pp. 447-459, Springer.
8. Rustamov Y., Gadjiev T., Askerova S. (2020) A Mathematical Model of Soil Fertility. In: Xu J., Duca G., Ahmed S., García Márquez F., Hajiyev A. (eds) Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management. ICMSEM 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol 1190. – pp. 503-510. – Springer, Cham. (Scopus). – çap olunub.
9. Rustamov Y., Aliyev S. The optimal irrigation under water use decisions // Сборник научных трудов Национального Университета Водного Хозяйства. Ровно, Украина, вып. 1-2, 2019, стр. 74-78.
10.Ibrahim J. Mamedov, Saida G. Panahova, Vusal H. Huseynov Mobility control under selective water isolation of highly permeable reservoirs by in-situ quasi-periodic foaming // Tran. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mechanics, 39 (8), 36–43 (2019).
Hesablama riyaziyyatı və informatika şöbəsi
1. Nagiev A.G., Sadykhov V.V. , Gashimova U.M. Identification of Properties of Composite Polymer Materials in the Space of Their Rotational–Viscous Characteristics. // Technical Physics. 65, 232–237 (2020), Published: 26 April 2020 .
2. N.Cafarov. Unique wear solvability of the first boundary value problem for Hilberq-Serrin parabolic equation in non-cylindrical domains // Transaction of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, v. XXXIX, No 4, december 2019, pp 96-106.
3. Нагиев Г.А. , Алиева Ф.А. Оптимизация среднего качества продукции в заданный период производства с учетом функции распределения фактора возмущения / Kitabxanaşünaslıq və informasiya. Elmi-nəzəri və praktik jurnal 2019. N-3(30). səh.66-72.
4. H.Ə.Nağıyev, F.A.Əliyeva. Fasiləsiz axinda karbohidrogenlərin hidrotəmizləmə proseslərinin qeyri-stasionar təsirli idarə strategiyasi //BDU, Elmi Xəbərlər jurnalı // 2019, N3, səh 65-68.
1. H.A. Nagiev, F.A. Aliyeva On an algorithm for controlling the depth of feedback in an optimization problem taking into account the distribution function of perturbations / 3rd İnternational E-conference on Mathematical Advances and its Applications (June, 24-27,2020, Istanbul/Turkey), pp 100.
2. Гулиева Н.А., Нагиев Г.А. Об одном подходе к снижению размерности динамической системы для визуализации управления на примере процесса дегидрирования углеводородов // II международная научная конференция информационные системы и технологии: достижения и перспективы 09-10 июля 2020, Сумгаит, с. 40-42.
3. H.A. Nagiev, F.A. Aliyeva On a problem of choosing the optimal strategy for controlling the intensity of production for a given volume of output // The 7th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications. 26-28 August 2020, Baku, Azerbaijan. pp 284-287.
Cəbr və riyazi məntiq şöbəsi
1. А.А.Бабаев, Л.A.Шейхзаманова. О неравенствах отношений в трактате Насиреддина Туси «Изложение книги Архимеда «О шаре и цилиндре»» Известия Педагогического Университета, 2019, стр. 9-16.
2. Ə. Babayev. Геометрическая аксиоматика в трактате Н.Туси “Изложение Евклида”. Материалы XVIII Международной конференции «Алгебра, теория чисел и дискретная геометрия: современные проблемы, приложения и проблемы истории», Чебышевский сборник, стр. 336-339, 2020г. Тулa.
3. E.Məmmədov, R. Babayeva. Klassik məntiqdə modal təkliflər haqqında: Nəsirəddin Tusi və İbn Sina.Fəlsəfə İnstitutunun Xəbərləri. Çapa göndərilib.
4. Ə. Babayev, V. Məclumbəyova. Аксиомы и посту-латы у Аристотеля, Евклида и геометров восточного средневековья. Международная конференция «Ученый и эпоха: к 170-летию со дня рождения Н.И. Кареева и С.В. Ковалевской». Тезисы, 26-30 октября 2020 г., стр. 246-248. Санкт-Петербург.
Tətbiqi riyaziyyat şöbəsi
1. Elkhan M. Abbasov, Kaklik O. Rustamova, Aynur O. Darishova Contact Pressure between the Outside Surface of the Sealer and Cylinder Wall // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Vol.8 No.2, February 2020 pp. 349-366 DOI: 10.4236/jamp.2020.82027.
2. E. M. Abbasov, N. A. Agaeva, and S. A. Imamaliev. Modeling of Hydrodynamics of Liquid Motion in Complex Profile Pipeline .// Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2020,pp 105-115. (Web of Science).
3. Аббасов Э.М., Кенгерли Т.С., Абдуллаева Н.Р. Моделирование фильтрации газожидкостной смеси в сопряженной системе пласт-скважина. // Инженерно-физический журнал (ИФЖ), 2020, Том 93, № 5.cтр.1010-1019, (Web of Science).
4. E. M. Abbasov, N. A. Agaeva Mathematical modeling fluid dynamics in Reservoir-flowline production system. // The 7 th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, 26-28 August,2020, (Web of Science).
5. Abbasov Elkhan Majid oglu, Kerimova Shusha Agakerim. Dynamics of gas well development // Proceedings of the International Conference .“Process Management and Scientific Developments” (Birmingham, United Kingdom, October 14, 2020), pp.136-140.
6. Ш.А.Керимова, Ф.А.Сейфуллаев “Пространственно-трехмерная постановка задачи гидротермодинамики водоемов”. Журнал «Актуальная наука» (1/(30)-2020) с.7-11.
7. Abbasov E. M., Kerimova Sh.A. “Dynamics of gas well development” // “Process Management and Scientific Developments” (Birmingham, United Kingdom, October 14, 2020 Part 1, International Conference), p.136-141.
8. Kh.Mirzazade, G.G.Abdullaeva, H.R. Naghizade. “Artificial Intelligence in Problems of Diagnostics of Acute Poisonings (Using an Example of Differential Diagnosis of Carbon Monoxide Poisonings)”. “East European Scientific Journal”. Vol. 1, № 62. ISSN 2468-5380, Impact Factor (2020) – 4.464. Warsaw, Poland, noyabr, 2020,p.23-30.
9. Алиев Г.Г. Основы наногидродинамики вязкой жидкости с учетом влияния квантово-механических эффектов. EESJ-East European Science Journal, Poland- Warsaw, 10 стр., (çapa qabul olunub).
“Siqnalların emalının riyazi problemləri” laboratoriyası
1. B. T. Bilalov & S. R. Sadigova (2020) On solvability in the small of higher order elliptic equations in grand-Sobolev spaces, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, DOI: 10.1080/17476933.2020.1807965 (WOS-Science Citation Index Expanded, IF-0.806, Q2).
2. Sadigova S.R., Guliyeva A.E. Bases of the perturbed system of exponents in weighted Lebesgue space with a general weight. Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Volume 46(3) (2022), Pages 477–486 (WOS(Emerging Sources Citation Index), Scopus. Q3).
3. Bilal T. Bilalov, Sabina R. Sadigova, Aysel E. Guliyeva, Double bases from generalized Faber polynomials with complex-valued coefficients in weighted Lebesgue spaces. Hacet. J. Math. Stat. Volume XX (x) (2020), 1 – 17 DOI : 10.15672/HJMS.xx (WOS-Science Citation Index Expanded, IF-0.605, Q3).
1. Huseynli A.A., Sadigova S.R. Double Bases from Generalized Faber Polynomials with Complex-valued Coefficients in Weighted Lebesgue Spaces with General Weight. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA-2020), 24-27 June, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 180.
2. Sadigova S.R., Mamedova Z.V. On the Solvability of the Nonhomogeneous Riemann Problem in the Weighted Smirnov Classes with the General Weight. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA-2020), 24-27 June, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 208.
3. Zabidov Z.J., Guliyev A. Classification of land cover by spectral and textural characteristics. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA-2020), 24-27 June, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 220.