Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Congratulations to Professor Ramiz Aslanov on his 75th birthday!

Ramiz Mutallim oglu Aslanov was born on March 26, 1947 in Mushavag village of Dashkesan region of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 1968, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mathematics of Kirovabad State Pedagogical Institute (now Ganja State University) with a degree in Mathematics, and from that year he worked at the Institute as a teacher, head of department, vice-rector of the correspondence department of the Institute.

In 1995, he entered the full-time doctoral program at the Moscow State Pedagogical University, where he remained as a teacher and rose to the position of dean of the faculty.

In 1998 he was elected Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, in 2011 Professor of “Mathematical Analysis” and in 2013 an academician of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education.

He has lectured on selected chapters of elementary mathematics, differential equations, mathematical physics equations, theory of complex variable functions, complex analysis, mathematical analysis, on the history of mathematics, conducted seminars, supervised the scientific work of students and graduate students. At the same time, he was the scientific secretary of the doctoral dissertation council.

His textbook “Differential Equations” is of exceptional importance in the teaching of this subject at the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

In 2000-2015 she was the organizer and scientific supervisor of the student scientific conference “Women-mathematicians” at the Faculty of Mathematics of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. His three-volume popular science book “Women-Mathematicians” about the life and work of women mathematicians of the world was awarded the Academician Pavel Novikov Prize.

In this book, she wrote an essay about the world’s first female mathematician, two-time Nobel Laureate Maria Curie, as well as Azerbaijan’s first female mathematician, Professor Tamilla Nasirova. The publication of the three-volume book is the result of his great and rich work. The book “Precedents of modern mathematics” (Vol. V, part 1), published in Russia (Moscow) in 2014, is dedicated to the memory of the great Azerbaijani mathematicians Zahid Khalilov and Mirabbas Gasimov. This volume is dedicated only to scientists who have contributed to the development of mathematical science in Azerbaijan.

Since 2015, he is the head of the Scientific and Technical Information Department of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS, as well as a senior researcher in the “Algebra and Mathematical Logic” department and a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute.

In 2018, he was awarded the Prize of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences for his fruitful work in the field of popularization of scientific knowledge and scientific achievements, as well as scientific and popular science works dedicated to the promotion of mathematics.

He has made great achievements in science and education. His students work in various universities and research institutions in Russia. His scientific results were highly appreciated, at most of them were reflected in monographs, textbooks, teaching aids and scientific articles.

The management and staff of the institute congratulate Ramiz Aslanov on his 75th birthday and wish him good health, which is the most valuable blessing for human life long life and new creative achievements.

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