Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

The Institute seminar devoted to 60-th anniversary of former director of IMM, outstanding mathematician, corr. member of ANAS Ilham Mammadov was held

In June 10, at the Insitutte of Mathematics and Mechanics the Institute seminar devoted to 60-th anniversary of former director of IMM, outstanding mathematician, corr. member of ANAS Ilham Mammadov was held.
At first a minute silence was held in his memory. Director of IMM professor Misir Mardanov declared the meeting open and spoke about glorious life, multilateral activity and unparalleled merits of Ilham Mammadov in developing mathematics science in Azerbaijan. Then the collaborator of “Mathematical-Physics equations” department cand. phys. math. sci. Abdurrahim Guliyev gave a speech “Life and scientific activity of corr. member of ANAS Ilham Mammadov”. Ilham Mammadov was born in 1955 in Baku city of Azerbaijan Republic. In1962 he joined school No 27 and in his 15 year graduated from it with a gold medal, and in 1975 graduated from Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, applied mathematics faculty with honour diploma. In 1974-1975 he passed scientific practice in computing mathematics and cybernetics faculty of Moscow State University. In 1976 he defended his dissertation for earning the degree of candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, in 1981 the degree of doctor of physico-mathematical sciences. In 1988 he was elected a professor on specialties differential equations and mathematical physics, in 2001 a corr. member of ANAS. He coauthored 80 scientific works and supervised 16 candidates of sciences.
From 1982 he worked at IMM as a senior research associate, from 1985 the head of “Mathematical physics equations” department, from 1992 deputy director of IMM, in 200-2003 director of IMM. In 2000-2002 he was an expert of science committee of NATO. In 1993-2002 was a member of the Presidium of Higher Attestation Committee under President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Ilham Mammadov is a known specialist in the field of theory of quality of partial differential equations. His interests include theory of boundary properties of the solutions of discontinuous coefficient, non-divergent structure second order elliptic and parabolic linear and quasilinear equations, investigation of inner smoothness of the solutions of these equations, behavior of the solution in unbounded domains, theory of nonnegative characteristic form degenerate equations, solvability of boundary and initial-boundary value problems in different functional spaces and so on. He has studied theory of regularity of boundary points related to first boundary value problems for a wide class of elliptic and parabolic equations in non-smooth domains in the boundary. The solution of the important problem of quality theory of second order parabolic equations belongs to Ilham Mammadov. Not imposing a condition and scattering of eigen numbers of the principal part on the smoothness of coefficient of the equation he has showed that any solution of second order quasilinear parabolic equation in any strong subdomain of the considered domain will be Holder continuous. Character of the solutions of second order elliptic and parabolic equations in noncompart domains, and also principal results on generalized solvability of boundary value problems for non-divergent structure second order elliptic equations in weighted anisotropic S.L. Sobolev spaces also belong him.
Rector of Azerbaijan Pedagojical University, corr. member of ANAS shared with his memories about Ilham Mammadov. He characterized him not only as a scientists but also as a great person. The spouse of Ilham Mammadov Gamar Mammadova also spoke at the event and expressed her gratitude to the participants for attention and care to the memory of Ilham Mammadov.
Then the head of “Differential Equations” department, prof. Akper Aliyev, the head of “Fluid and gas mechanics” department, corr. member of ANAS Geylani Panahov, prof. Nadir Suleymanov, the follower of the scientist Vafa Mammadova and others spoke about their memories about Ilham Mammadov.

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