Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

To attention of the participants giving talks at the VII International Conference devoted to 70 years of ANAS “Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and their Applications” (MADEA-7)

We ask the participants who desire the full text of their abstracts to be published (if this material has not been published in the form of a paper in any journal) to send these materials to e-mail address [email protected] to December 15, 2015.
Given a good reference, these materials be published in the following journals.
Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics (AzJM)
Nonlinear Oscillations (NO)
Proceedings of IMM of NAS of Azerbaijan
Transactions SPTMS IMM of NAS of Azerbaijan
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal (UMJ)
Ukrainian Mathematical Bulletin (UMB)

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