Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Department of International Relations

Head of the department: Eldar Abbasov, PhD, Associate professor
Tel: (+99412) 539 0221, (+99450) 640 2149
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Number of employees: 3
Main scientific direction of the department: International relations is one of the priority activities of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Department of international relations of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics and conducive closer scientific cooperation between the Institute and foreign research centers, institutions and companies. The main functions of the division include: building relationships with the international organizations; providing business correspondence and contacts with the international scientific and public organizations, foundations, companies; presentation of research results of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics; promotion of organizational issues on the participation at international conferences and symposia; supporting of the international conferences, seminars holding by IMM.
Main scientific results of the department: The area of international relations of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics includes a number of countries – Belarus, China, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Holland, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Uzbekistan, etc.
Fruitful relationship with a number of international research foundations, organizations and companies had been established – LUKOIL; TNK BP; Sinopec, CNPC, Petrochina, CNOOC, COSL, GCC (China); INTAS, Department of Energy (DOE) USA, CRDF and others.
The successes achieved in the framework of international cooperation of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, the results of joint research with foreign mathematicians and mechanics allow to state a special role in international integration of the Azerbaijani science, its close links with foreign scientific community. A role in this activity belongs to the International Relations Department of IMM. The Institute’s main areas of scientific cooperation cover the following areas and subjects: functional analysis; theory of functions; differential equations; mathematical analysis; equations of mathematical physics, algebra and mathematical logic; harmonic analysis; applied mathematics; wave dynamics; creep theory; fluid mechanics; theory of plasticity; computational mathematics and Informatics.

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