Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

The world-famous scholar, the founder of fuzzy logic theory Lotfi A.Zadeh was awarded the “Nizami Ganjavi Gold medal of Azerbaijan Republic”

Zadeh-_w-199x300Lotfi Zade (Lutfali Rahim oglu Askerzadeh), the world-famous scholar the founder of fuzzy logic theory in the field of artificial intellect was awarded the highest prize of ANAS “Nizami Ganjavi Gold Medal of Azerbaijan Republic” for his merits in creation and development of fuzzy sets and theory of logic. This resolution was adopted in the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS. This theory that is used by many leading companies of the world was worked out in 1965. In eighties of the last century this theory attracted attention of the Japanse.
Today, the authorative companies of Japan as “Mitsubishi”, “Toshiba”, “Sony”, “Canon”, “Sanyo”, “Nissan”, “Honda” and others widely use this theory in production of videocamera, washing machines, vacuum chemical cleaners, in control of automobiles, trains and industrial processes.
Lotfi Zadeh was awarded the highest prize of Japan, “Honda” prize. Today this theory is widely used in production by the companies of America as “General Motors”, “General Electric”, “Motorola”, “Dupont”, “Kodak” and others. At present this theory is also used in economy, psycology, linguistics, politics, philosophy, sociology, in religious issues.
In addition to fuzzy logic theory, Lotfi Zadeh has suggested 5 fundamental scientific theories. They are: “theory of perceptions”, “theory of systems”, “computing with words”, “optimal filtration theory” and “soft-computing”.
Lotfi Zadeh’s work known as “Z-transformation” in science is a scientific theory that founded the systems of discrete and digital control, information and communication systems. His known phase state theory, lies on the basis of control of dynamic systems and observability theories of modern control science. On these theories, NASA investigates, designs and applies control systems. The body of IMM congratulates the world known scientist Lotfi Zadeh, wishes him a sound health and new successes in his scientific activity.

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