Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


Report of “Creeping theory” department of İMM for 2017

According to the research plan of 2017 in the department there are 7 works on the topic “Variable load of bodies of irreversible deformation”. The plan provided for the seven works on the subject. Scientific works are carried out according to the plan. I. Scientific activity Work: Prediction the time of corrosive failure of bodies […]

The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony was held

The Nobel Prize ceremony took place on December 10 in the Norwegian and Swedish capitals. The Royal Family, the Prime Minister of the country, the members of the government and the members of the Supreme Court also attended the solemn ceremony held with the participation of the King of Norway, Harald V. Firstly, the 2017 […]

The meeting of the Dissertation Board was held

At the meeting of the Dissertation Board D 01.111 of IMM Mubariz Gafarshah oglu Hajibeyov defended doctor of sciences dissertation “Studying convolution type integral operators”. The results obtained in the dissertation was reflected in 39 papers. The dissertation work was positively evaluated by the Dissertation Board. ©All rights are reserved. Citing to is necessary […]

Announced the names of the winners of “Breakthrough Prize”

Winners of “Breakthrough Prize”announced by Russian billionaire investor Yuri Milner, founder of Facebook social network Mark Zuckerberg and Google’s founder Sergey Brin announced.

The International Conference “Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” devoted to the 80 anniversary of acad. Akif Gadjiev, ended

Today, at the Central Scientific Library of IMM, the closing ceremony of the scientific conference “Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” devoted to the 80 anniversary of outstanding mathematician scientist with “Glory” order, honored scientist acad. A.Gadjiev was held At first the participants get acquainted with the exhibition featuring the life and scientific creativity of […]

Report of “Elasticity and plasticity theory” department for 2017

Theme: “Defection, stability, and vibration of nonhomogeneous and anisotropic structural elements”. Work A. Stability of a heat differently resisting to extension and compression under defection. (Ex. V. Dj. Cadjiev). The problem of stability of different modulus heat under defection was solved and the values of critical parameters were determined. Work B. Calculation and analysis of […]

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