Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


The seminar on “Weierstrass variant and Weierstrass condition for simple variation problem” was held

Today was held the next seminar of the Department ” Optimal Control”. At the seminar senior research associate of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, doctor of physic. math. sci., prof. Telman Melikov gave a talk on “Weierstrass variant and Weierstrass condition for simple variation problem”. The report was about the Weierstrass formula and sufficient conditions. […]

Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on holding the 110th anniversary of academician Ashraf Huseynov

The 110th anniversary of outstanding mathematician scientist, well-known educator, honored scientist, academician Ashraf Isgandar oglu Huseynov has been completed in 2017. Ashraf Huseynov has made a great contribution to the development of modern mathematical sciences in Azerbaijan with his findings; he has found the new directions and is the author of fundamental researches. Many scholars […]

New earth discovered: Ross 128 b could host alien life (or US!)

The search for extra-terrestrial life has taken a new direction following the discovery of an earth-sized planet relatively close to our own solar system. Ross 128B is the second closest exoplanet to Earth, with similar surface temperatures, raising hopes that it could potentially support life. The planet was discovered by a team of astronomers in […]

The institute seminar on “damping, dispersion of acoustic waves and anormal increase of impact waves in gas-fluid media”

Today at the institute seminar, sen. Res. ass. doct. of ph. math. sci. prof. Faik Nagiyev gave a talk on “damping, dispersion of acoustic waves and anormal increase of impact waves in gas-fluid media”. The talk deals with theoretical results describing damping and dispersion of acoustic waves because of gas particles in fluid. The results […]


On 16.11.2017, at 10.30, the regular seminar of “Optimal Control” department will be held. At the seminar senior research associate of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, doctor of physic. math. sci., prof. Telman Melikov will give a talk on “Weierstrass variant and Weierstrass condition for simple variation problem”. The report is about the Weierstrass formula […]

Annual Report of Functional Analysis department

“Functional Analysis ” department consists of 20 collaborators. In 2017 according to the plan, 18 works on the themes “Investigation of some problem of operator algebra” and “Probability theory and spectral analysis of differential equations” are carried out.” Theme: “Investigation of some problems of operator algebra and probability theory.” Work: “ Limit theorems for brancling […]

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