Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu



On 20.10.2017, at 11:00 a seminar of “Mathematical Analysis” department “Modern problems of harmonic analysis and applications” will be held. At the dissertant of the department Hasanov Sabir Gahraman oglu will give a talkon “Riesz potential and its commutator on Orlicz spaces “. In the talk, necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of the […]

The Institute seminar was held

Today at the institute seminar, gave a talk leading research associate of “Nonharmonic Analysis” department of IMM, ph.d in math. ass. prof. Sabina Sadigova and res. ass. of “Computation mathematics and informatics” department of IMM, ph.d in physics Aynura Jafarova . The young scientists reported about their talks at the International Conference “Mathematical models of […]


On October 20, 2017, at 15.00, it is intended to hold Information Seminar within the Research and innovation program of European Commission Horizon 2020 organized by the office of international relations of the administration of the Presidium of ANAS. At the seminar, the participants will be informed about the theme of “ICT Proposers Day 2017”. […]


On 19.10.2017, at 10.30, the regular seminar of “Optimal Control” department will be held. At the seminar senior research associate of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, doctor of physic. math. sci., prof. Telman Melikov will give a talk on “Weierstrass variant and Weierstrass condition for simple variation problem”. The report will present the proof of […]

Corresponding member of ANAS, professor Vagif Guliyev became the winner of the prize competition “Scientist of the Year” 2016 in the field of mathematical and technical sciences

  On 2017, On October 16, in the framework of the grant competition of the Science Development Foundation “The worthy scientist”, the ceremony for awarding the winners of the prize competition “The scientist of the year of 2016” and “Young scientist of the year of 2016” was held. The aim of the competition is to […]


On 18.10.2017, at 10.00, leading research associate of “Nonharmonic Analysis” department of IMM, ph.d in math. ass. prof. Sabina Sadigova and res. ass. of “Computation mathematics and informatics” department of IMM, ph.d in physics Aynura Jafarova will speak at the institute seminar. The young scientists will report about their talks at the International Conference “Mathematical […]

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