Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


Academician Ashraf Huseynov’s 110-th anniversary

On September 20, one of the founders of Azerbaijan Mathematics School, outstanding scientisi, carefull teacher, humanist man, organizer of science and education acad. Ashraf Huseynov will be 110. In Azerbaijan and former Soviet Union Acad. Ashraf Huseynov was known as a founder of the school of singular integrals and singular integral equations. Ashraf Iskender oglu […]

Scientists discovered the darkest planet

A celestial body is practically reflects sunlight. Researchers at McGill University and Exeter University have discovered unusual properties of the exoplanet WASP-12b, which, as it turned out, almost did not reflect the sunlight. Article on this subject was published in the scientific journal Astrophysical Journal Letters. Planet, according to astronomers, is the darkest in the […]

International Conference “Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of academician Akif Gadjiev will be held

Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS and National Aviation Academy hold International Conference “Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of famous scientist acad. Akif Gadjiev. The Conference will be held in December 6-8, 2017 at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (Baku). The authors are encouraged to submit the […]


On 20.09.2017, at 10.00, at the Institute seminar dos. of Technique and technology of oil production of the Scientific Research Institute Maleyka Mammadova will give a talk on “Experimental investigations and theoretical generalizations of the Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids motions in the micro-cracked channels”. In the talk, the fluids mechanics foundations in the cracks and […]

The results of admission to the magistrates of IMM became known

In the competition held for 2017/2018 academic year at IMM, 5 places were allotted in the specialty “249283 Mathematical Analysis”, 1 place in the specialty “249291 Differential Equations”, 1 place in the specialty, “249315 Optimization and optimal control”, 1 place in the specialty “249323 Mathematical Physics Equations”. The bachelor of Baku State University Gadirova Khayala […]

“Young Mathematicians School” will held a competition

The last years intensive reforms in the field of education are carried out, national textbooks, manuals that meet the demands of the peried are composed. In this context, cooperation of scientific and education institutions, participation of academic institutes in education and training is necessary. Starting with february, 2017, “Young Mathematicians School” at IMM get started […]

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