Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


New publication received in the library of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan

1.РЖ.Математический анализ, 2017, № 6. 2.РЖ.Механика деформируемого твердого тела, 2017, № 6. 3.Доклады РАН, 2017, т.474, №3. 4.Доклады РАН, 2017, т.474, №4. 5.Доклады РАН, 2017, т.474, №5. 6.Доклады РАН, 2017, № 6. 7.Журнал вычислительной матем атики и математической физики, 2017, т.57, в.5. 8.Дифференциальные урпавнения, 2017, т.53, в.5. 9.Математические заметки, 2017, т.101, в.5. 10.Математичес кие заметки, […]

REPORT on International Relations Department for the first half

During the reporting period, the International Relations Department carried out its activities in accordance with the scientific and scientific-organizational topics of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics and the Department of International Relations of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Within the framework of international events of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the […]

Semi-annual scientific and scientific-organizational report of “fluid mechanics” department

During the reporting period, the research was carried out according to the plan, the influence of the boundary layer on the rheological parameters of non-Newton oils, the role of temperature transitions in non-stationary processes in flows, the modeling of gas generation in liquid flows, the effects of elektrokinetic processes on gas generation in liquid flows […]


On 17, July, 2017 at 14.00 at the dissertation Council of IMM D.01.111, Rana Eldar kizi Karbalayeva will defend dissertation work “Inclusion theorems for many bundle parameter, variable functional spaces” by specialty 1202.01 Analysis and functional analysis, and Natig Samandar oglu Rzayev “Stability and lateral vibrations of a beam and rectangular plates differenatly resisting to […]

Semi-annual report of “Mathematical Physics Equation” departament for 2017

11 works are executed on the theme “unique solbability of mathematical physics problems and quality properties of their solutions”. Work 1 . Estimation and application of negative spectrum of quasielliptic operators. Ex: sen.res.ass.R.V.Huseynov. Work 2. Inverse problem for a class of elliptic equations. Ex: The published papers. 1)A.Ya. Akhundov, B.R. Selmkhanov Determination the Coefficients […]

On semi-annual report of” Computatimal mathrmatics and Informatics”

On the report period 4 works were carried out on the theme “Development of methodical bases of creation of program complexes for screen representation on three dimensional states phase of controlled trajectories. One paper was publised, two papers were submitted for publication. Collaboraters have participated at scientific conferences and four abstracts were published. One paper […]

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