Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


Semi-Annual Report of Non-Harmonic Analysis department

15 research works have been done in the fields of Frame theory and its applications and Spectral properties of non-self-adjoint differential operators by the employees of the Department of Non-Harmonic Analysis (DNHA) in the first half of 2017. Every Wednesday at 12.00 and every Thursday at 11.00 a.m., DNHA holds weekly seminars. Most of the […]

Semi-anmal report of Elasticity and plasticity theory department

In the department 6 scientific works on “Bending stability and vibrations of nonhomogeneous and anisotropic structural elements are carried out” on the report period, 8 papers were published, 2 papers were accepted for publication, and 1 paper was prepared for publication. Work A. Stability of a beam differently resisting to stretching and compression in bending. […]

Semi-Annual Report of Functional Analysis department

In 2017 according to the plan, 18 works on the themes “Investigation of some problem of operator algebra” and “Probability theory are carried out.” “Limit theorems for brancling stochastik processes with immigration” prof. s.r.a. S.A.Aliyev. “Bracket  expansion in eigen and adjoint vectors for the system multi-parametr operators in Hilbert space”. More details >> ©All rights […]

Semi-annual Report of “Differential Equations” Department for 2017

At the department of “Differential equations” in 2017 according to the plan carried 10 scientific papers on the same topic. For the first half of the year, 30 scientific papers and 8 abstracts were printed and sent to print. Employees of the department prof. A. Khanamammedov and N. Aslanova gave a talk on the […]

International Scientific Conference dedicated to 60-th anniversary of corr. member of ANAS, prof. Vagif Guliyev

On July 10, at Ahi Evran University of Turkey (Kirshehir) the international Conference “Operators in Morrey type space and their applications” dedicated to the 60-th anniversary of deputy director of IMM corr. member of ANAS prof. Vagif Guliyev get started. About 100 scientists from 15 countries of the world as Azerbaijan, Russsia, Japan, Poland, India, […]

Certificates on “Web of Science” were presented

At the Education Innovation Centre of the Institute of Information Technology the certification program on information platform “Web of Science” was held for collaborations of the institutes and organizations of ANAS by the representative office of Moscow and Kiev of the Presidium of ANAS and “Thomson Reuters” agency. Authoritative persons from 20 scientific research institutions […]

Azərbaycanda COVID-19 ilə bağlı statistika
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