Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


Semi-annual report of the department of Scientific-Technical Information

80 index-cards of the papers were placed into the catalogue of scientific works of IMM collaborators (including papers published in the republic and abroad, abstracts, books, monographs). 8 dissertation works (2 doctor dissertation and 6 PhD dissertations) were placed into author’s abstract catalogue. More details>> ©All rights are reserved. Citing to is necessary upon […]

At Ahi Evran University, a conference “Operators in Morrey-type Spaces and Applications” dedicated to 60th birthday of Professor Vagif S. GULIYEV get started

Today Ahi Evran University, Kirsehir, TURKEY helds a conference “Operators in Morrey-type Spaces and Applications” dedicated to 60th birthday of Corr.-member of NAS of Azerbaijan, professor Vagif S. GULIYEV. Conference will be held on the following sections: • Theory and applications of all function spaces related to Morrey spaces; • Integral operators on Morrey type […]

Meeting of the Dissertation Council was held

At the Dissertation Council of IMM D.01.111, for earning doctor of science and philosophy doctor degrees Rana Eldar kizi Karbalayeva defended dissertation work “Inclusion theorems for many bundle parameter, variable functional spaces” by specialty 1202.01 Analysis and functional analysis, for earning ph. Doctor degree at mathematics. The results obtained in the work were reflected in […]

The First graduates of magistrates of ANAS were awarded with a diploma

On July 7, In Baku “the day of graduate” of first magistors of the National Academy of Sciences was held President of ANAS acad. Akif Ali-Zadeh congratulated the graduates on this big day. He said that in the first admission year 400 bachelors appealed to the magistrate of ANAS and as a result only 19 […]

Semi-annual report of “Transactions of ANAS, series of physico -technical and mathematical sciences, issue mathematics”

The site of the journal Transactions of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, series of physico -technical and mathematical sciences, issue mathematics (sayt –; [email protected]) is daily uptated. The published papers are placed in the site. We regularly keep close relations with the members of the editorial board of the journal by e-mail. This year […]

Semi-Annual Report of Functional Analysis department

“Functional Analysis ” department consists of 20 collaborators. In 2017 according to the plan, 18 works on the themes “Investigation of some problem of operator algebra” and “Probability theory are carried out.” The department collaborators S.S.Mirzoyev, I.M.Nabiyev are the members of the Defence Council. H.I.Aslanov , H.M.Huseynov, V.M.Kurbanov, S.S.Aliyev are the members of expert commission […]

Azərbaycanda COVID-19 ilə bağlı statistika
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