Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


The Institute seminar on “L. Zadeh’s fuzzy sets” was held

Today, at the institute seminar, the head of “Nonharmonic Analysis” corr. Member of ANAS prof. Bilal Telman oglu Bilalov gave a talk”. On L.Zadeh’s fuzzy sets”. In the talk the notion of coefficients space is introduced in connection with bases in Banach phases. It is determined by concrete basis and the operator of expansion in […]

Corr. Member of ANAS Misir Mardanov gave a regular talk within the program ”Idealogical, social and scientific education”

On June 13, within the program “Ideological, social and scientific education” the regular talk was organized for Gazakh people in Heydar Aliyev center together with local executive authority. Director of IMM, corr. Member of ANAS, prof. Misir Mardanov gave a talk on “Ilham Aliyev and priority directions of state politics”. © All rights are reserved. […]


On 16 June, 2017, at 16.00 at the meeting of dissertation Council D.01.111 at IMM ANAS, Gulsum Allahyar kizi Agayeva will defend PhD in mathematics “Solvability of boundary value problems for variable coefficient operator equations on a finite interval” by speciality 12.01.01 Analysis and functional analysis”. The meeting will be held at the assembly hall […]

New publication received in the library of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan

1.РЖ.Математический анализ. -2017 № 5 2.РЖ.Механика дфеормируемого твердого тела-2017 № 5 3.Доклады РАН -2017 т.473 №4 4.Доклады РАН -2017 т.473 № 5 5.Доклады РАН -2017 т.473 №6 6Докл ады РАН-2017 т.474 № 1 7.Доклады РАН-2017.т.474 № 2 8.Доклады РАН -2017 т.474 № 3 9.Известия РАН.Серия Математическая.-2017 т.81 №2 10.Журнал вычислительной математики и мат.физики 2017-т.57 №4 […]


Weekly seminar on 14 th of June 2017, 10:00 a.m. will feature a report by head of the Department of the “Non-harmonic Analysis” of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Corresponding Member of ANAS, Professor Bilal Bilalov entitled by “On Fuzzy sets of L.Zade”. The report is […]

Corr. Member of ANAS Misir Mardanov gave a talk within the program ”Idealogical, social and scientific education”

On June 9, in Khachmaz city, at Heydar Aliyev Center and at the museum of History-Regional studies organized by the Knowledge foundation under President of Azerbaijan Republic, within the program “Idealogical, social and scientific education” regular talks were listened At Heyder Aliyev center director of IMM, corr. Member of ANAS, prof. Misir Mardanov gave a […]

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