Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu



Every Wednesday at 12:00 at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, under the guidance of Corresponding Member NAS of Azerbaijan, of the professor R.W. Huseynov, is held the seminar of the department ”Equations of Mathematical Physics” under the title ”Qualitative Properties of Differential Equations”. 04/05/2017 at the seminar of the department “Equations of Mathematical Physics” […]


 On 03.04.2017 at 12:00 the seminar of “Creeping Theory” department “Modern problems of mechanics of deformable solids” (room 705, floor 7) will be held. At this seminar the head of the department,, prof., Latif Khalil oglu Talibly will give a talk “Prediction of time of corrosive fatigue failure of bodies under the influence of […]

The seminar of the department “Algebra and mathematical logic” on “Algebras and their maximal ideals” was held

To day at 12:00 regular seminar of the department “Algebra and mathematical logic” was held. At the seminar, the lead scientific worker of the department, Ph.D. Aydin Israfil oglu Shahbazov gave a talk on “Algebras and their maximal ideals “. The algebras, the involution algebras, their ideals and maximal ideals were considered. ©All rights are reserved. […]

The “Mathematical analysis” department gave a talk on “On some local properties of singular integrals”

On 31.03.2017, at 11:00 a seminar of “Mathematical Analysis” department “Modern problems of harmonic analysis and applications” was held. At the seminar the was report PHD by mathematics, Lala Rahman qizi Aliyeva on “On some local properties of singular integrals”. In the talk, deals local properties of many-dimensional singular integrals in terms of mean oscillation […]

New publication received in the library of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan

РЖ. Математический анализ -2017 № 1  РЖ. Математический анализ-2017 № 2 РЖ. Механика деформируемого твердого тела.-2017 № 1 РЖ. Механика деформируемого твердого тела-2017 № 2 РЖ. Механика деформируемого твердого тела-2017 №3 Доклады РАН -2017 т.472 № 1 Доклады РАН -2017 т.472 № 2 Доклады РАН -2017 т.472 № 3 Математический сборник – 2017 т.208 №1 […]

Unforgettable tragedy – March 31

On March 31 a memorable day in the history of our country. There are days, with the size of joy, days there are also memorable, with the grandeur of sorrow and disaster. March 31 is one of memorable days with the grandeur of sorrow and disaster. On March 30, 1918, beginning from the night to […]

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