Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


The seminar of “Optimal Control” department was held

Today, at 10.30 the regular meeting of “Optimal Control” department was held. The senior research ass. of the Institute of Control Systems, doctor of technical sciences Ramin Rza oglu Rzayev gave a talk on “Fuzzy logic in historical, Foreshortening: main notions and principles”. New prognostic models of volatile time series of fuzzy analysis of positional-binary […]

The meeting of the scientific council was held

Today, at IMM, the meeting of the scientific council was held. At the meeting, the issue on conferring the scientific title of associate professor in speciality 1211.01 “Differential Equations” to senior research associate of “Differential Equations” department of IMM, cand. phys. math. sci. Shamsiyya Muradova, and to senior res. ass. of “Functional Analysis” department of […]


On 16.03.2017 at 10:30 the “Optimal Control” department will held its regular seminar. The chief scientist of the Institute of Control Systems of National Academy of Science Ramin Rza oglu Rzayev will give a talk on “TIME SERIES MODELING BASED ON FUZZY ANALYSIS OF POSITION-BINARY COMPONENTS OF HISTORICAL DATA”. The report covers the new predictive […]


The Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics carries out scientific lectures and seminars within “Integration of science and education” program. The second seminar was held on March 2. The fourth seminar will be held on March 15, at 10.00 at the assembly hall of IMM. Leadng research ass. of “Nonharmonic Analysis” department, cand. phys. math. sci. […]


On 15.03.2017 at 10:00, at the institute seminar doctor of physic. math. sci., prof. of Baku State University Hamlet Guliyev will give a talk on “History of development of the theory of optimal control and some control problems”. The talk deals with creation of, development history of control problems described by partial equations, in particular […]


The purpose of the stimulation program “Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities” of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is to offer scientists the opportunity to establish international contacts at the highest level without any restrictions concerning research fields. Based on mutual cooperation with partners worldwide the stimulation program shall enable the participating scientists to develop […]

Azərbaycanda COVID-19 ilə bağlı statistika
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