Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


The first meeting of the Dissertation Council was held

The staff of the dissertation council D.01.111 for doctor of science and philosophy doctor degrees at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics was confirmed by the order № 26 from March 03, 2017. Today the first meeting of the affirmed dissertation council was held. Director of IMM prof. Misir Mardanov introduced the staff of the […]

The “Mathematical analysis” department gave a talk on “On approximation theorems for Bernstein-Chlodovsky polynomials”

On 10.03.2017, at 11:00 a seminar of “Mathematical Analysis” department “Modern problems of harmonic analysis and applications” was held. At the seminar the was report Aytekin Ehtiram kizi Abdullayeva on “On approximation theorems for Bernstein-Chlodovsky polynomials”. In the report was held theorems on pointwise and uniformly approximation of derivative of Bernstein-Chlodovsky polynomials to derivative of […]

A seminar of “Optimal control” department on “Fuzzy logic in historical foreshorting: Main notions and principles” was held

Today the regular meeting of “Optimal Control” department was held. The senior research associate of the Institute of Controls Systems, doctor of technical sciences Ramin Rza oglu Rzayev gave a talk on “Fuzzy logic in historical foreshorting: Main notions and principles”. The basis elements of fuzzy logic and its mathematical apparatus was explained as necessary […]


On 10.03.2017, at 11:00 a seminar of “Mathematical Analysis” department “Modern problems of harmonic analysis and applications” will be held. At the seminar the will be report Aytekin Ehtiram kizi Abdullayeva on “On approximation theorems for Bernstein-Chlodovsky polynomials”. In the report will be held theorems on pointwise and uniformly approximation of derivative of Bernstein-Chlodovsky polynomials […]


The Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics carries out scientific lectures and seminars within “Integration of science and education” program. The second seminar was held on March 2. The third seminar will be held on March 9, at 10.00 at the assembly hall of IMM. Leadng research ass. of “Nonharmonic Analysis” department, cand. phys. math. sci. […]

The Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS celebrations March 8 the “International Women’s Day”

Director of IMM, doctor of phys. Math. sci. prof. Misir Mardanov opened the meeting and congratulated the women employees of the institute on the occasion of this holiday and wished them a sound health, happiness and successes in their life. Then the woman employees of the institute were presented with gifts from the staff of […]

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