Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu



Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics starts to carry out scientific-popular lectures and seminars in mathematics for secondary school pupils within the program “Integration of Science and education”. Increase of interest to mathematics for secondary school pupils, reveal of talented pupils in due time and carrying out scientific-popular seminars and lectures now are widely used in […]


On 17.02.2017, at 11:00 a seminar of “Mathematical Analysis” department “Modern problems of harmonic analysis and applications”will be held. At the seminar the leading researcher of the department, associate professorRzaChingizogluMustafayev will givea talkon “Embeddings between weighted local Morrey-type spaces and weighted Lebesgue spaces”. In the talk, necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of the […]

At IMM, the meeting of the Scientific Council was held

The regular meeting of the scientific council of IMM was held Today the regular meeting of the scientific council of IMM was held. The following issues were discussed: 1. Submission of projects to Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 2. On initiation of Nasireddin Tousi Scientific Center. 3. Current affairs. […]

The institute seminar on “Inverse problems of spectral analysis for some discrete operators” was held

Today, at the institute seminar senior research associate of “Differential Equations” department, doct. phys. math. sci. prof. Agil Khanmammad oglu Khanmammadov gave a talk on the institute seminar on “Inverse problems of spectral analysis for some discrete operators” was held. The talk is devoted to inverse problems of scattering for discrete analogues of Sturm-Liouville equation […]


On 15.02.2017, at 10.00 at the Institute seminar senior research associate of “Differntial Equations” department, doctor of phys. math. sci. prof. Agil Khanmammad oglu Khanmammadov will give a talk on “Inverse problem of spectral analysis for some discrete operators”. The talk deals with inverse problems of scattering for discrete analysis ofSturm-Liouville equation of one-dimensional Dirac […]

Professor Misir Mardanov is the scientific editor of the book “Optimization methods”

In 2017 “Baku University” publishing house published a text book for higher school students “Optimization methods” authored by K.G. Hasanov, H.F. Guliyev, M.H. Yagubov, Sh.Sh. Yusubov. The scientific editor of the book is director of IMM ANAS prof. Misir Mardanov, the reviewers are senior research ass. of “Optimal Control” department of IMM prof. Telman Melikov, […]

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