Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu



Weekly seminar on 14.09.2016 at 10.00 at the Institute seminar professor of Kral Said University Mubariz Tapdigoglu Garayev will give a talk on “Some applications of generating kernels and English Algebras”. The English algebras known well in theory of operator theory was first determined and studied by English in 1995. Using the notion of generating […]

Professor of Middle Tennessee State University, USA, Yuriy Melnikov at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Professor of the department of mathematical sciences of Middle Tennessee State University, USA Yuriy A. Melnikov was invited to ADA University for two months to give lectures on applied problems of Mathematics. Today prof. Yuriy Melnikov was at IMM. He met the leaders and heads of the departments of the Institute. The goal of the […]

On the Erdos number

In the database of Mathematical Reviews that has gained reputation in the world, the “Erdos number” is calculated for every mathematician (See: Erdos number shows how is a mathematician close to famous Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdos as a coauthor. Paul Erdos is considered as a scientist who is very cooperative with other known scientists. The […]

New publication received in the library of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan

1.Габиль Алиев, Азад Алиев – Теоретические основы гидродинамики в низкоразмерных системах. – LAP LAMBERT Academik Publishing, 2016-260 с. 2.Q.Q.Abdullayeva, N.H.Qurbanova, İ.H.Mirzəzadə, R.H.Naqıyev-İnformasiya texnoloqiyaları: toksikoloqiyada diaqnostika və monitorinq. – Bakı ” İnformasiya Texnoloqiyaları ” – 2016-232 səh.  

New publication received in the library of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan

N.Ə.Əliyev, O.M.Məmmədov – Riyazi analizin əsasları. Dərs vəsaiti. – Bakı  “Bakı Universiteti”, 2016-106s.

Today is the birthday of the former director of IMM, a prominent mathematician scientist, corr. Member of Anas Ilham Mammadov

Ilham Tofig ogly Mammadov was born in Baku on July 1, 1955. Having graduated from the secondary school in 1977 he entered the faculty of applied mathematics of Azerbaijan State Oil and Chemistry Institute, and in 1975 completed his education with honors. In 1974-1975 he had carried out scientific practice at Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics […]

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