Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu



Weekly seminar will be given by Doc. Prof. E.J. Ibragimov whose report title is “About Gegebnauer transformation” on 30.12.2015 at 10:00. The report is devoted to analysis of the theory of integrated conversions, which is very important. The report will be given detailed information about the properties of the new Gegebnauer integral transform.

The Institute seminar on “Some questions of atomic decompositions and frames”

On December 23.12.2015, 10:00 a.m. featured a report by corresponding member of ANAS, professor, head of the Department of Non-harmonic Analysis Bilal Telman oglu Bilalov, entitled “Some questions of atomic decompositions and frames”. In report frames in Hilbert and Banach spaces are considered and their properties in the context of Noetherian mapping are studied in […]


Weekly seminar on December 23.12.2015, 10:00 a.m. will feature a report by corresponding member of ANAS, professor, head of the Department of Non-harmonic Analysis Bilal Telman oglu Bilalov, entitled “Some questions of atomic decompositions and frames”. In report frames in Hilbert and Banach spaces are considered and their properties in the context of Noetherian mapping are […]


On 23.12.2015 at the next seminar of “Diferensial equations” will gave a talk chief researcher of the Department, Bakhram Aliyev and phd.student Nargul Kurbanova on “A BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM FOR ELLIPTIC DIFFERENTIAL-OPERATOR EQUATIONS WITH QUADRATIC ORDER SPECTRAL PARAMETER”. In this work in seperabel Hilbert space are studied questions of solvability of a boundary value problem […]

The regular meeting of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics was held

The regular meeting of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics was held. Today the regular meeting of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics was held. At the meeting director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics professor Misir Mardanov submitted a report on scientific and scientific-organizational activity of the Institute for 2015.

The meeting of the Scientific Council was held

Today, at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics the meeting of the scientific council was held. In the meeting the agenda was discussed. The Council’s members were informed about the graduates of doctorate. Then doctoral candidates and candidates for a degree were attested. The issue on promotion of senior research associate, doctor of phys. Math. […]

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