Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


The regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics was held

On 01.07.2015, the regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics was held. At first semi-year report on scientific and scientific-organizational activity of Computing Mathematics and Informatic’s department was heard. Then the scientists of the Institute were recommended to prizes for their papers published in “Thomson Reuters” agency list journals. […]

New publication received in the library of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan

1. Ə.Ə.Əliyev, A.O.Məmmədov, O.M.Məmmədov “Cəbrin tətbiqləri: kodlar nəzəriyyəsi və kriptologiya” Dərs vəsaiti, Bakı, “Bakı Universiteti” 2015-128s.


Weekly seminar on 01.07.2015, 10:00 a.m. will feature a report by  professor of the Department of “Equations of mathematical physics”Nihan A. Aliyev, entitled “Using the necessary conditions on the Fredholm property boundary value problems for differential equations of fractional order”. The report focuses on the study of fundamental solutions and solutions of boundary value problems […]


On 30.06.2015, the meeting of the doctor’s dissertation council D.01.111 of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics will be held. At the meeting of the Council, the dissertation works of Aygun Tahir kizi Garayeva “Convergence of spectral expansions in the system of eigen and adjoint vector-functions of Schrodinger operator” in 1211.01 Differential Equations and of […]

The Institute seminar on “Time asymptotic of non-Darcy flows controlled by total flux on the boundary ”

Weekly seminar on June 24.06.2015, 10:00 a.m.  featured a report by Professor of Texas Tech University, USA Akif İ. İbragimov, entitled “Time asymptotic of non-Darcy flows controlled by total flux on the boundary ”. The report was dedicated to the study of long term asymptotic of diffusive capacity, the integral characteristic of the domain with respect to […]


Weekly seminar on June 24.06.2015, 10:00 a.m. will feature a report by Professor of Texas Tech University, USA Akif İ. İbragimov, entitled “Time asymptotic of non-Darcy flows controlled by total flux on the boundary ”. The report is dedicated to the study of long term asymptotic of diffusive capacity, the integral characteristic of the domain […]

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