Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu



On 20.05.2015, at 10.00, at the Insitutte seminar candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, honoured engineer, director of Dilmanc project of the Ministry of Communications and High Technology Abulfat Fatullayev will give a speech. It is intended to represent the following systems created in the frames of Dilmanc project. * Automatic translation of speech from […]

At the Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences a meeting with the representatives of the United Nuclear Research Institute was held

At the Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences a meeting with the representatives of the United Nuclear Research Institute was held. The director of the Institute of Physics, corr. member of ANAS, the plenipotentiary of UNRI in Azerbaijan Republic Nazim Mammadov opened the meeting and said that the aim of the meeting […]

The Institute seminar on “Properties of singular integrals in the terms of smoothness measuring maximum function” was held

On may 13, the Institute seminar on “Properties of singular integrals in the terms of smoothness measuring maximum function” was held. The senior research associate of the “Functions theory” department, doct. phys. math. sci. prof. Rahim Rzayev gave a talk. The talk deals with smoothness measuring functions, functional spaces measured by them, the properties of […]


The weekly Wednesday seminar on 13 May 2015, 10.00 a.m., will present a report chief researcher of the department of “Theory of functions” Rahim Mikail Rzaev. Topic: “Properties of singular integrals in terms of maximal functions measuring smoothness”. The report discusses some of maximal functions measuring smoothness, function spaces defined with their help, the properties […]

The institute seminar on “Global solutions of the system of nonlinear hyperbolic equations” was held

Today, at the Institute of Mathematics and mechanics, the institute seminar on ” Global solutions of the system of nonlinear hyperbolic equations” was held. The head of “Differential equations” department doct. phys. math. sci. Akper Aliyev gave a talk. The talks deals with globally solvable and globally nonsolvable problems for a system of nonlinear hyperbolic […]

New publication received in the library of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan

1. Misir Mərdanov,  Sabir Mirzəyev, Eminaga Məmmədov – Elementar riyaziyyatın əlavə fəsilləri və olimpiadalar. – 3-cü kitab – Bakı OKA Ofset 2014 -320 səh. 2. РЖ.Математика.Сводный том – 2015 № 43. РЖ Механика .Сводный том  – 2015  № 44. Журнал вычислительной математики и    математической физики  2015- т.55 № 35. Вестник Московского университета 2014 № 36. […]

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