Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


On April 21, “Reading Day” will be held

On April 21, the “Day of Reading” will be held in Heydar Aliyev Center’s park for the purpose of developing reading habits and reading habits among children, teenagers and young people. At the event organized under the slogan “Let’s read together!”, Pupils of 40 secondary schools and high schools of the capital will make presentations. […]


On april 20, 2018, at 12.00 will be held the seminar of the department “Wave Dynamics”. At the seminar doctor of phys-math. sciences Cafar Aqalarov will give a report continuation on the theme ” The cylindrical net movement” . The cylindrical net movement on the smooth tough cylinder have been obtain on the base of […]


On 19.04.2018, at 10.30, the regular seminar of “Optimal Control” department will be held. At the seminar professor of Baku State University, doct of phys. Math. Sci. Misreddin Allahverdi oglu Sadigov will give a talk on “The second order necessary condition for the problem of non-smooth mathematical programming and second order necessary condition for discrete […]

The regular meeting of the Scientific Council will be held

On 17.04.2018, the regular meeting of the Scientific Council will be held. Attestation of doctoral students and candidates for a degree, the result of admission to Dissertation courses on training philosophy doctor and doctor of sciences, organization of defense of dissertation of II course masters and other issues of the agenda will be discussed. ©All […]


Department of Non-Harmonic Analysis will hold its next weekly seminar on Wednesday, April 18, 2018, at 11.00 am. Senior researcher, associate professor M.Ismailov will make a report entitled “On Besselian and Hilbertian systems in Banach spaces.” Banach space of scalar sequences is considered, for which the canonical system of unit vectors forms a basis. The […]

Azerbaijani scholars are in business trip to China

Within the framework of scientific cooperation between the scientists of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics and his Chinese counterparts, the head of the Fluids Mechanics Department, corresponding member of the Azerbaijan NAS, Dr. Geylani Panahov and leading research, Dr. Eldar Abbasov visited the PRC. Upon the invitation of the Scientific Center «New Horizon» (Beijing, […]

Azərbaycanda COVID-19 ilə bağlı statistika
  • Virusa yoluxan

  • Sağalan

  • Yeni yoluxan

  • Aktiv xəstə

  • Ölüm halı

  • Test edilib

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