Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


The meeting of the Dissertation Council will be held

On april 6, 2018, at 14.00, at the meeting of the dissertation board D.01.111, awarding the academic titles, Aysel Beybala kizi Imanova will defend the philosophy doctor degree dissertation “Studying boundary values of Cauchy type integral in the terms of mean oscillation” by the specialty 1202.01-Analysis and functional analysis. The event will be held at […]

Seminar on “Solution of Riman-Hilbert problem in Smirnov Classes” was held

Today, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS hosted the Institute seminar. Head of the Laboratory of Mathematical Problems of Signal Processing Laboratory, Associate Professor Sabina Rahib gizi Sadigova made a report on the topic “Solution of Riman-Hilbert problem in Smirnov Classes”. In the report, Smirnov classes with weight-weight weight have been identified in limited […]


On 05.04.2018, at 10:30 the “Optimal Control” department will held its regular seminar. The sen. Res. Ass. of “Optimal Control” department, doct. of ph. math. sci., prof. Telman Melikov will give a talk on “Amplification of Weierstrass necessary condition for prime variation problem”. The talk deals with amplification of Weierstrass necessary condition for prime variation […]

Hasan bey (Malikov) What do you know about Zardabi’s school and university education?

Hasan bey Zardabi was born in 1842 in Zardab village of Goychay district of Shamakhi province. His father, Rahim bey and his father, Selim bey, were also educated men of their era, patronized science, education, and art in the Goychay district. Hasan bey listened to his lectures, debates and discussions, the books read at his […]


Weekly seminar on 04 th of April 2018, 10:00 a.m. will feature a report by head of the Laboratory of Mathematical Problems of Signal Processing of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Associate Professor Sabina Rahib kizi Sadigova entitled by “On the solvability of Riemann-Hilbert problem in […]

Seminar on the subject ” The cylindrical net movement” was held

On march 30, 2018, at 12.00 has been held the seminar of the department “Wave Dynamics”. At the seminar doctor of phys-math. sciences Cafar Aqalarov has been report on the theme ” The cylindrical net movement” . The cylindrical net movement on the smooth tough cylinder has been obtain on the base of the general […]

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