Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu



Beginning from March 30, 2016 at the seminars of the department of “Differential equations”, on Wednesdays at 12.00, will be lectures on “Modern methods of solving nonlinear equations”. Seminars are devoted to the study of modern methods of solutions to the stated various problems for nonlinear partial differential equations (Cauchy problem, boundary value problem and […]


Education seminar held at every tuesday at 11:30 at the department of “mathematical analysis” continues its work. The next seminar will take place on April 12 and devoted to boundedness of classic operators of harmonic analysisi in functional spaces. In these seminars, lectures on basic objects of mathematical analysis of maximum function. Riesz potentials and […]

The seminar of “Mathematical analysis” department “Modern problems of harmonic analysis and applications” Corr. member of ANAS Vagif Sabir oglu Guliyev will give a talk

On 08.04.2016, at 12:00 a seminar of “Mathematical Analysis” department “Modern problems of harmonic analysis and applications” was held. At the seminar the head of the department, Corr. member of ANAS Vagif Sabir oglu Guliyev will give a talk on “The boundedness of the Riesz potential in local Morrey-Lorentz spaces”. The report is devoted to […]

The Institute seminar on “Basicity properties of cosine, sine and exponent systems in weighted Morrey-type spaces” was held

The seminar was opened by the director of the institute prof. Misir Mardanov. He shared his thoughts on stressed state in the front line with the participants of the seminar. The hero sons of the country were commemorated with a minute’s silence. Then, teacher of Mathematics of Damietta University of Misir Arabian Republic Said El-Shabravi […]


The meeting of the Dissertation Council D 01.111 to award the degree of Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS the defense of the PhD doctoral thesis by title “Necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of the weighted Hardy operator in the Lebesgue […]


Weekly seminar on 06 th of April 2016, 10:00 a.m. will feature a report by lecturer of Mathematics of the Damietta University , Egypt Saad El-Shabrawy, entitled “Basis Properties of Systems of Sines, Cosines and Exponentials in Weighted Morrey Spaces”. In report an investigation is made of the basis properties of systems of sines, cosines […]

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