Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu



On 21.11.2018 at the seminar of “Diferensial equations” will gave a talk employee of Department of “Applied Mathematics” Elkhan Abbasov on “Integrated modeling of the process gas filtration”. The integral model of the non-stationary filtrationprocess in gas wells is constructed and solutions of differential equations are presented. Methods are being developed to simplify the solution […]


Weekly seminar on September 21.11.2018, 10:00 a.m. will feature a report by corresponding member of ANAS, professor, head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis Vagif Sabir oglu Guliyev, entitled “Characterization of Lipschitz functions via the commutators of fractional maximal operators in Orlicz spaces”. In this talk, will be discussed some characterizations of the Lipschitz spaces […]

The meeting of the Dissertation Council was held

At the meeting of the Dissertation Council D.01.111 holding the defense of phil. doctor and doctor of sciences dissertations, Samin Telman oglu Melik defended his phil. doc. Dissertation “Necessary conditions for optimality on some delay systems” by the specialty “Dynamic systems and optimal control”. The results of the dissertations have been reflected in 11 papers. […]

The seminar of department “Mathematical analysis”on “Characterization of Lipschitz functions via the commutators of fractional integral operators in Orlicz spaces” was held

On 16.11.2018, at 11:30 a seminar of “Mathematical Analysis” department “Modern problems of harmonic analysis and applications” was held. At the seminar the head of the department, Corr. member of ANAS Vagif Sabir oglu Guliyev gave a talk on “Characterization of Lipschitz functions via the commutators of fractional integral operators in Orlicz spaces”. In the […]


On 16.11.2018, at 11:30 a seminar of “Mathematical Analysis” department “Modern problems of harmonic analysis and applications” will be held. At the seminar the head of the department, Corr. member of ANAS Vagif Sabir oglu Guliyev will give a talkon “Characterization of Lipschitz functions via the commutators of fractional integral operators in Orlicz spaces”. In […]

Seminar on the topic “Friedrichs Extension of Operator” was held

November 14, 2018 the next seminar of the department “Equations of Mathematical Physics” was held. At the seminar, with a report on the topic “Friedrichs Extension of Operator”, the doctor of phys. math. sci., prof. Mamed Bayramoglu and the doctor of phys. math. sci. Ilham Aliyev delivered a speech. During the report, on the example […]

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