Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


The seminar of the Department “Nonlocal differential equations and their optimal control” was held

On 25.01.2018 at 10:30am the “Optimal Control” department was hold its regular seminar. The professor of Baku State University Yagub Sherifov was gave a talk on “Nonlocal differential equations and their optimal control”. The report was about optimal control problems, which were described by nonlocal differential equations. First, there were sufficient conditions for the existence […]

The  seminar o on the theme of “On the structure of solutions of half-ilinear and half-linearizable Sturm-Liouville problems” was held

On January 24, 2018, the next seminar of the department “Differential Equations” was hold. In the seminar the report of the chief scientific employee of the department “Differential Equations” was hold, d.m.s., prof. Ziyatkhan Seyfaddin oglu Aliyev on the subject “On the structure of solutions of half-linear and half-linearizable Sturm-Liouville problems”. ©All rights are reserved. […]


On 26.01.2018, at 11:00 a seminar of “Mathematical Analysis” department “Modern problems of harmonic analysis and applications” will be held. At the seminar Aynur Nizami kizi Mamedova will give continuity of a talk “Approximation problems on the Lebesgue spaces”. In the talk some approximation theorems on the Lebesgue spaces will be discussed. ©All rights are […]

Institute Seminar on “Global Bifurcation of Solutions for some Nonlinear eigen-value problems for the Fourth order ordinary Equations” was held

Today, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS held the Institute seminar. Senior scientific worker of “Differential Equations” department, prof. Ziyatkhan Seyfaddin oglu Aliyev made a report on “Global Bifurcation of Solutions for some Nonlinear eigen-value problems for the Fourth order ordinary Equations”. In the report, information about structure of bifurcation points, oscillation propertics of […]


On at 10:30am the “Optimal Control” department will held its regular seminar. The professor of Baku State University  Yagub Sherifov will give a talk on “Nonlocal differential equations and their optimal control”. The report deals with optimal control problems, which are described by nonlocal differential equations. First, there are sufficient conditions for the existence […]


On January 24, 2018 at the general seminar of Institute be helds the report of the chief scientific employee of the department of the “Differential equation”, d.m.s., prof. Ziyatkhana Seyfaddin oglu Aliev on the theme “Global bifurcation of solutions of ceratin nonlinear eigenvalue problems for ordinary differential equations of fourth order “. The paper presents […]

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