Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Congratulations to the corresponding member of ANAS Misir Mardanov on the occasion of the 75th anniversary!

Corresponding member of ANAS, director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Misir Mardanov is 75 years old.

Mardanov Misir Jumayil oglu was born on October 3, 1946 in Goyerchin village of Ijevan region of Western Azerbaijan (now Armenia). He graduated from high school in 1964, in the same year he entered the Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University), in 1969 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the University.

In 1970-1972 he continued his education and scientific research at the full-time postgraduate course of BSU. In 1973, he defended his dissertation on “Some issues of optimal control theory for the system of integro-differential equations” at the Defense Council of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Baku State University. On September 28, 1973 he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences by the decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the USSR Council of Ministers, on November 25, 1981 he was awarded the title of associate professor by the decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the USSR Council of Ministers.

In 1989 he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Study of optimal processes with delays and contraints” at the Defense Council of the Institute of Mathematics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

On November 3, 1989, by the decision of the supreme Attestation Commission under the USSR Council of Ministers he was awarded the degree of doctor of physico-mathematical sciences.

From 1971 to 1989 he worked as a teacher, senior teacher, associate professor at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Baku State University, in 1985-1986 as the executive secretary of the admission commission of BSU, from 1978 to 1989 as the deputy dean, from 1996 to 1998 he was the chairman of the defense council for doctoral dissertations at Baku State University. In 1989-1990 he worked as the head of the higher education department at the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 1991-1992, he worked as Deputy Minister of Education at the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In 1992-1996 he worked as the vice-rector for educational affairs of BSU.

In 1997-1998 he continued his activity as the rector of Baku State University. From 1998 to 2013 he served as Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He has been a full member of the Russian Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences since January 28, 2000. He has been a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Education since April 27, 2005.

      Since April 2013, he has been the director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

      From 2011 to 2014, he was the President of the Turkic World Mathematical Society, and since 2014, he has been the Honorary President of the Turkic World Mathematical Society.

Since 1996, he has been the Vice-President of the Azerbaijan Mathematical Society, and since October 28, 2014, he has been an academician of the International Academy of Sciences for Pedagogical Education (Moscow).

      Until 2013, he was the editor-in-chief of the scientific-methodical journals “Curriculum”, “Higher Education and Society” and the journals “Electron Tehsil”, “Tehsil”, “Tehsil Xeberleri”. He is the deputy editor of the mathematics and mechanics issue of the series of physical-technical and mathematical sciences of the journal Transactions of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. He is a member of the editorial board of the Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics.

He is editor-in-chief of the Journal “Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics” and Mechanics of ANAS, a member of the international editorial board of the TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Turkic World Mathematical Society) and of the international editorial board of the Chebyshevsky collection sbornik.

He is member of the Dissertation Council D 01.111 of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics,

He is the chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics.

Since March 2, 2015 he is the chairman of the Dissertation Council D.01.111 of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics.

He was a supervisor to one doctor of sciences and trained four doctors of philosophy.

In 1973-1998 he gave lectures on analytical geometry, differential geometry, mathematical methods of optimal control at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of BSU, as well as gave lectures and seminars on special courses on optimal control, supervised students’ dissertations. In the 2015-2016 academic year, he passed a specialty course on “Mathematical methods of optimal control” for masters of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Baku State University, in 2016-2017 academic year, he gave lectures on “History and methodology of mathematics” to masters of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS.

Main scientific result:

Misir Mardanov has development a new single method for proving the Pontryagin’s maximum principle for a wide class of optimization problems with constraints, and also second order necessary and sufficient conditions. The suggested method allows to overcome some principal difficulties that arise when applying known methods. These difficulties are incomparability of delays in the controller with each other inability of the studied extremum to satisfy the normality conditions existence of phase constraints.

Measurability of the right hand side of the equation with respect to time and nonfixing of the time. New second order necessary conditions for the optimality of a singular control in delay argument systems were proved. New notions for solving a wider class of optimal control problems characterized by discrete systems were introduced, a more effective method was developed, first and higher order stronger conditions for the optimality were obtained by their means.

In addition, in 2000 he was awarded the honorary title of “Honored Scientist” by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for his achievements in the field of science and education, in 2001 he was awarded with the media medal “Golden Pen” in 2006 the “Glory” medal. In 2011 by the according to the order of the President of the Republic of Dagestan Magomedaslan Magomedov he was awarded the honorary title “Honored scientist of the Republic of Dagestan” for his contribution to the development of scientific cooperation between the Republic of Dagestan and Azerbaijan.

Until 2019 he was a member of the board of Directors of “Yeni Azerbaijan” Party, at present he is a member of the Political Council” of “Yeni Azerbaijan”party.

Misir Mardanov always takes great care and sensitivity in the format of young researches as highly qualified personnel and their involvement in science and is closely involved in the organization of various scientific events organized at the institute.

Dear Misir muellim! On the occasion of you 75 in anniversary we congratulate you on behalf of the staff of the Institute of mathematics and Mechanics, wish you sound health and scientific creative successes.

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