Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics


Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Mubariz Rasulov gave a talk “To solve the problem of propagation of unsteady waves in limited areas”

Today the regular seminar was held. In the seminar of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS the head of the Department of “Wave Dynamics”, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Mubariz Rasulov gave a talk on the topic “To solve the problem of propagation of unsteady waves in limited areas”. The paper presents a […]


16.11.2022 at 12.00  a seminar of the Departments “Applied Mathematics” and “Wave Dynamics”   will take place. At the seminar, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Mubariz Rasulov  will make a report  “To solve the problem of propagation of unsteady waves in limited areas”. The paper presents a method based on the application of a new type […]

President Ilham Aliyev made post on occasion of 8 November – Victory Day

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has shared a photo on his official social media accounts on the occasion of 8 November – Victory Day.

An event dedicated to the Victory Day was held at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS

On November 4, 2022, an event dedicated to the Victory Day was held under the organization of the Trade Union of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS. Director General of the Institute, Corresponding Member of ANAS, Professor Misir Mardanov, in his speech, noted that November 8, the date of liberation of our cultural […]

Researcher Ayten Movsumova  gave a talk “Vibrations of rectangular flat and reinforced cylindrical plates in contact with the medium”

Today the regular seminar was held. In the seminar of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS the head of the Department of “Applied mathematics”, researcher Ayten Movsumova gave a talk on the topic “Vibrations of rectangular flat and reinforced cylindrical plates in contact with the medium”. In this work, free vibrations of anisotropic […]


12.10.2022 at 12.00 a seminar of the Departments “Applied Mathematics” and “Wave Dynamics” will take place. At the seminar researcher Ayten Movsumova will make a report “Vibrations of rectangular flat and reinforced cylindrical plates in contact with the medium”. In this work, free vibrations of anisotropic inhomogeneous rectangular flat reinforced cylindrical plates of a rectangular […]