Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics


The paper of Azerbaijan scientists was published in higher impact factor international journal of Q2 quartile

The paper coauthored by the head of the department “Mathematical Analysis” of the Institute of  Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS, prof. Vagif Guliyev and head researcher of the department of “Mathematical Analysis”, doctor of mathematical science Rovshan Bandaliyev in the framework of the I Azerbaijan-Russia joint international grant competition was published. […]

Doctor of math. sci. Rovshan Bandaliyev gave a talk “Two-weight inequalities for the Hausdorff operator”

On 29 September 2021, at the seminar of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS a sen. res. ass. of the Department “Mathematical Analysis” d.m.s Rovshan Bandaliyev, spoke on the topic “Two-weight inequalities  for the Hausdorff operator”. The talk discusses two-weight inequalities in a weighted Lebesgue space for the particular case of the Hausdorff […]

We celebrate the head of the department of “Theory of functions”, doctor of math. sci. Vugar Ismailov on the occasion of his 50th anniversary!

Marks the 50th anniversary of the birth of Vugar Ismailov, head of the department “Theory of Functions” of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS, who made a valuable contribution to the development of mathematical science in our country and abroad. Vugar Elman oglu Ismailov was born on September 26, 1971, in the city […]

The paper of Azerbaijan scientist was published in higher impact factor international journal

The paper of head scientist of department Differetial equations of Institut Mathematics and Mehanics, prof.Tahir Gadjiev with coauthored was published. The paper was published in 1.225 higher impact factor journal “Journal of Mathematical Inequalities” ( reviewed in “Clarivate Analytics” international base of category Q2. In the paper entitled “Nonlinear elliptic equations with small BMO coefficients […]


On September 29, 2021 at 11:00 at the seminar of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS, d.m.s, head researcher of the department of Mathematical Analysis, Rovshan Alifaga oglu Bandaliyev will speak with a report on the topic “Two-weight inequalities  for the Hausdorff operator”. The talk will discuss two-weight inequalities in a weighted Lebesgue […]

On Memorial Day, September 27 the families of martyrs of the Patriotic War were visited by the lidership of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS

On December 2, 2020, Ilham Aliyev signed an order on the establishment of the “Memorial Day” in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The order says, “The state appreciates the courage of the sons and daughters of Azerbaijan who fought in the Great Patriotic War, respects the spirit of all our martyrs, honors their memory. As a sign of deep […]