Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics


The papers of Azerbaijan scientists was published in higher impact factor International journal

Articles of the senior researcher of the department “Differential Equations” IMM, prof. Ziyatkhan Aliyev and senior researcher at the “Department of Equations of Mathematical Physics” of the IMM, prof. Nazim Karimov, as well as their students, are published in prestigious scientific journals with a high impact factor: З.С. Алиев, Н.Б. Керимов, В.А. Мехрабов, О сходимости […]

Paper by an Azerbaijani scientist has been published in a journal of the American Mathematical Society

A paper by the research fellow at the department of Theory of Functions of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Namig Guliyev has been published in the “Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society”. In the paper entitled “On two-spectra inverse problems” the author considers a two-spectra inverse problem for the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with boundary […]


On  17.03.2020, at 11:00 in  the assembly hall of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics at the regular meeting of scientific –subject seminar on discussion of doctor’s degree dissertations of Dissertation Council D01.111 Elnara Bukhsay qizi Akhundova’s  Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics dissertation «The convergence of spectral decompositions corresponding to ordinary differential operators of the […]

The seminar on “Multi-sublinear fractional maximal operator and multilinear fractional integral operators on generalized Morrey spaces” was held

On 13.03.2020, at 11:00 a seminar of “Mathematical Analysis” department “Modern problems of harmonic analysis and applications” was held. At the seminar the PhD student of the department Afag Farhad gizi Ismailova was report on “Multi-sublinear fractional maximal operator and multilinear fractional integral operators on generalized Morrey spaces”. In  the talk was discussed the boundedness […]

Today is the International Day of Mathematics

March 14 is International Mathematics Day. Taking into account the contribution of mathematics to the global challenges that the world population seeks to address – climate change, biodiversity loss prevention, food needs forecasting, and sustainable development goals in light of global population growth, UNESCO appealed the International Mathematical Union UNESCO to hold International Mathematics Day. […]

ANAS President met with the Italian Ambassador to our country

The President of ANAS academician Ramiz Mehdiyev met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italy to Azerbaijan, Augusto Massari. The meeting was also attended by the first vice presidents of ANAS – academician Isa Habibbayli and academician Ibrahim Guliyev. During the meeting, which was held at the Presidium of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev noted that relations between Azerbaijan and […]