Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Academician Majid Rasulov


A graduate from Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute and a post graduate student at Azerbaijan State University (now BSU), that has created his own scientific direction, a scientist-mathematician working in the field of differential equations and functional analysis, a known specialist in the field of mathematical physics equations, academician Majid Rasulov was one of the rare personalities grown by our people in the XX century. His researches are divided into four directions. The first direction contains the works in theory of partial differential equations including the residue and contour integral method for solving a large class of boundary, mixed and Cauchy problems. The works on the field of spectral theory of linear differential equations belong to the second direction. Here he has proved new expansion formulas on residue of solutions of spectral problems for a contour integral of arbitrary vector function and differential equations. In his works belonging to the third direction on functional analysis preserving the norm of linear functional determined on Banach space he has proved uniqueness conditions of its continuation. Finally, in his works in the fourth direction, applying functional analysis to theory of differential operators, he has found normality conditions of ordinary linear differential operators. Majid Rasulov’s scientific researches were generalized in his PhD degree dissertation “Investigation of the solutions of some mixed problems for differential equations by the residue method” written in 1946-1948. In this work he has obtained necessary and sufficient conditions of the uniqueness of continuation of the whole Banach space in the subspace of linear functional and proved a necessary and sufficient condition for the normality of the considered one-dimensional linear differential operator. In 1960, at the Scientific Council of V.A. Steklov Institute of mathematics of AS of the USSR he has defended succesfully his doctor’s degree dissertation “The residue method of the solution of mixed and boundary value problems for partial differential equations” and earned the scientific degree of doctor of physico-mathematical sciences.
The results obtained by working out the residue and contour integral methods in 1950-1962 have found reflection in his monograph “The contour integral method” published in Moscow in “Nauka” publishing house (1964). The editor-in-chief of the monograph professor A.I. Ivanov writes: “Majid Latif oglu Majidov’s monographs is an exclusive event in mathematical references. This book has no its analogy in the world Azerbaijan Mathematical Society may be proud that such a book was written at Azerbaijan (Baku) State University”. As soon as this monograph published, the author was invited to Moscow to give lectures on the methods elaborated by him on important equations of mathematical physics encountered in applications. In 1964 at central lecture hall of “Bilik” society he gives a talk on “Residue method of the solution of mathematical physics equations”. On January 1965, he gives a series of lectures on the “Residue method and contour integral method”.
In 1967 his monograph “Contour integral method” by the order of Royal Mathematical Society was translated into English and published in Holland, the USA, Canada. Note that he was the first mathematician in Azerbaijan whose book was published abroad.
In 1975 M.L. Rasulov’s book “Application of the contour integral method to the problems for second order parabolic systems” devoted to application of the contour method to the solution of problems for second order parabolic systems was published in Moscow, at “Nauka” publishing house of AS of the USSR. M.L. Rasulov’s book “Application of the residue method to problems for differential equations” published in 1989 in “Elm” publishing house of AS of Azerbaijan was devoted to development of residue method. Academician M.L. Rasulov supervised over 20 PhD and doctor’s degree dissertations. He was rewarded many orders and medals and in 1989 he was rewarded the honoured title “Honoured Science Worker of Azerbaijan SSR”.
Academician M.C. Rasulov passed away on February 11 in 1993 in his 77 years.

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