Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

prof.Gasymov Mirabbas Goycha oglu


Mirabbas Goycha oglu Gasymov was born in 1939 in Narimankend village of Shamakhy.
In 1956 he joined the Mechanics-mathematics faculty of Azerbaijan State University. After the second course in 1958 he was transferred to M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and graduated from it in 1961.
In 1961-1964 he studied at post graduate course of MSU. His Scientific activity begins from this time (his supervisor was F.A. Berezin) and it consists of V.M. Levitan’s researches, that he considers his teacher. In his turn, Levitan also highly appreciates Mirabbas Gasymov’s works and approaches him as a very talanted follower. His main works are in the field of inverse problems of spectral analysis for a class of different classes of differential operators.
In 1964 at the scientific council of MSU he defended his PhD dissertation “Solution of the Sturm-Liouville equation by two spectra”. By the special decision of the scientific Council this work was estimated as “remarkable” one. At the same year he begins to work at the Moscow physics-engineering Institute and in 1965 he was appointed as a chief lecturer to the chair of “Mathematicas” of Military Engineering Academy.
In 1967, M. Gasymov defends the doctor of phys. math. sci. degree dissertation “Some problems of self-adjoint and non self-adjoint differential operators” and this work is translated into english in the USA. Official opponents of this work were famous mathematicians A.G. Kostyuchenko, V.A. Marchenko, M.A. Naimark. In 1968 he was promoted to the rank of professor at Azerbaijan State University. From 1972 to 2007 he was a chairman of “Applied Mathematics” chair. In 1970-1976 he was at the head of “Partial Differential equations” of IMM of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.
In 1980 M. Gasymov was elected a corresponding member, in 1989 a full member (academician) of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.
In 1990-1992 he was Rector of BSU. On this period, scientific-experimental institute of applied mathematics was created under University.
In different years M. Gasymov was a dean of “Mechanics-Mathematics and Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics” faculties of BSU, the first deputy Ministry at the Ministry of Education. In 1990-1995 he was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan Republic.
M.G. Gasymov was a honorable doctor of Egey-Izmir and Seljuk-Konya Universities of Turkey.
M. Gasymov is considered as the founder of contemporary mathematics school in Azerbaijan. He has supervised a great number of mathematicians. The seminars “Functional Analysis and its applications”, “Spectral theory of differential operators” was important event in mathematical life of Azerbaijan. He has supervised about 70 PhD and Doctor’s degree dissertations. He has done great scientific-organizational works in organization and development of Applied Mathematics faculty of BSU.
For his merits in development of science, M. Gasymov was rewarded the M.V. Keldysh gold medal by the USSR Cosmonautics Federation.
M.G. Gasymov was an opponent of more than 60 PhD and doctor’s degree dissertations.
He was a participant of three International Congresses (Moscow 1966, France 1970, Canada 1974). In Warsaw, at S. Banach International Mathematics Center he has given a number of lectures.
M.G. Gasymov has authored about 100 scientific works and a great majority of them in authorative journals of the former USSR (DAN SSSR, Trudy Moskovskogo Mathematichekogo obshestva”, Funksionalniy analys i ego prilozjenia”, “Mathematicheskiye zametki”, “Differentsialniye uravneniya”, “Sibirskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal”, “DAN Az. SSR”). At the reports of the department of Mathematics of the AS of the USSR and reports of the acad. secretary of the AS of the USSR. M.G. Gasymov’s scientific results were among the important works. His papers were among the most cited ones. He has translated a number of valuable works into Russian, was one of the translators of N. Danford, Ch. Swarts’s famous book in three volumes “Linear operators”, and has published several popular papers in mathematics.
M.G. Gasymov passed away on September 6, 2008 in Baku and by his sacred was burried at Narimankend village.

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