Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu



The weekly Wednesday seminar on 12 November 2014, 10.00 a.m., will feature Professor Jafar Gasanaga ogly Agalarov (Head of Department of Wave dynamics, IMM) who will talk about “Free oscillation of spherical shell filled with elastic fluid”. Consider a thin elastic spherical shell. The shell is filled with an elastic medium with a lower elasticity. […]


12.11.2014 в 10.00 на общеинститутском семинаре ИММ выступит с докладом заведующий отдела «Волновой динамики» Джафар Гасанага оглы Агаларов. Тема доклада: «Свободные колебания сферической оболоч–ки, заполненной упругой жидкостью». Рассматривается тонкая упругая сферическая оболочка. Оболочка заполнена упругой средой с меньшем упругости. Уравнения движения выполнены в сферических координатах и с использованием контактных условия написаны динамические уравнением. Уравнения движения […]


12.11.2014-cü il saat 10:00-da Ümuminstitut seminarında RMİ-nin “Dalğa dinamikası” şöbəsinin müdiri, f-r.e.d., prof. Cəfər Həsənağa oğlu Ağalarov  “Elastik maye ilə doldurulmuş sferik örtüyün sərbəst rəqsləri”mövzusunda məruzə edəcəkdir.  Nazik elastik sferik örtüyə baxılır. Örtüyün daxili daha kiçik elastiki modulu olan elastiki mühit ilə doldurulub. Sferik sistemlə hərəkət tənlikləri yazılmış və sərhədlərində kontakt şərtlərindən istifadə edərək hərəkət […]

The institute seminar on “Investigation of boundary value problems for second order elliptic-differential operator” was held

On November 5, at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NASA of Azerbaijan the institute seminar on “Investigation of boundary value problems for second order elliptic, differential operator equation” was held. The leading research associate of “Differential Equations” department doctor of math. sci. Bahram Aliyev gave a talk. The talk deals with solvability of […]

Today at the Dissertation Council of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Rafig Rasulov defended doctor of science degree dissertation on mathematics and Savinj Khaligova philosophy doctor degree dissertation on mathematics

On October 31,  at the Dissertation Council of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Rafig Rasulov defended doctor of science degree dissertation on mathematics and Sevinj Khaligova philosophy doctor degree dissertation on mathematics. The Director of Sheki branch of Azerbaijan Teachers Institute Rafig Rasulov defended the dissertation work “Quality properties of solution of nonlinear parabolic […]

On 03.11.2014 the meeting of the scientific council of the institute was held

Today at the institute of Mathematics and Mechanics the meeting of the scientific council was held. In this meeting the annual reports of the departments on scientific and scientific – organizational activity for 2014 were heard. The heads of the departments of “Algebra and mathematical logic”, “Applied Mathematics”, “Functions Theory”, “Fluid and gas mechanics” reported […]