Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu



19.11.2014 года в 10:00 на общеинститутском семинаре ведущий научный сотрудник отдела ”Негармонического анализа” к.ф-м.н., доц. НАНА Ракиб Фейруз оглы Эфендиев выступит с докладом на тему “Исследование оператора Хилла на звездообразном графе”. Исследуется обратная спектральная задача для оператора Хилла на некомпактном звездообразном графе. Изучена спектр оператора, приведена теорема единственности восстановления потенциалов. Получено конструктивное решение обратной задачи.


Weekly seminar on November 19, 2014, 10.00 a.m. will feature a report by docent Rakib Feyruz oglu Efendiyev, leading researcher of the Department of Non-Harmonic Analysis, entitled “Spectral analysis of the complex Hill operator on the star graph”. The analysis of Hill operator is extended from the real line to a star graph. An explicit […]


19.11.2014-cü il saat 10:00-da Ümuminstitut seminarında “Qeyri-harmonik analiz” şöbəsinin aparıcı elmi işçisi, f-r.e.n, dos. Rakib Feyruz oğlu Əfəndiyev “ Ulduz tip qraflarda kompleks Hill operatorunun spektral analizi” mövzusunda məruzə edəcəkdir. Hill operatoru üçün qeyri kompakt ulduz tip qraflarda spektral analizi tədqiq edilmişdir. Operatorun spektri öyrənilmiş, potensialların bərpası üçün yeganəlik teoremi daxil edilmişdir. Tərs məsələnin konstruktiv […]


On November 21, 2014, at 1400 , at the Dissertation Council D.01.111 of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics on earning doctor of Science and philosophy doctor degrees in mathematics Gulnar Rovshan kizi Shamilova will defend her dissertation on “Investigation of non-stationary waves propagation in rectangular prisms and cylinders” and Ali Rza oglu Mammadov his […]

The regular meeting of the Scientific Council was held

On November 12, 2014, the regular meeting of the Scientific Council was held. The annual reports of “Differential Equations” and “Creeping theory” departments on scientific and scientific organizational activity were heard. In the Scientific Council, in the report of the official internet site ( of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics the research associate of […]

The institute seminar on “Free oscillations of elastic fluid-filled elastic sphere” was held

On November 12, 2014, at the institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, the institute seminar on “Free oscillations of elastic fluid-filled elastic sphere” was held. The head of “Wave dynamics department doctor of phys. math. sci. prof. Jafar Agalarov gave a talk.