Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics


Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Cefer Aqalarov gave a talk “Flexible connections”

Today the regular seminar was held. In the seminar of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS the Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Cefer Aqalarov gave a talk “Flexible connections”. Problems of impact on flexible bonds in a plane were considered. © All rights are reserved. Citing to is necessary upon using news.


29.12.2021 at 12.00. a seminar of the Departments “Applied Mathematics” and “Wave Dynamics” will take place. At the seminar, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Prof. Cefer Aqalarov will make a report “Flexible connections”. Problems of impact on flexible bonds in a plane are considered. a) pinpoint blow b) blow to solids Those interested can take […]

Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Rasulov Mubariz gave a talk “Application of new methods in solving problems of elastodynamics”

Today the regular seminar was held. In the seminar of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS the Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Rasulov Mubariz gave a talk “Application of new methods in solving problems of elastodynamics”. The work is devoted to new methods for finding integral transformations used in solving problems of elastodynamics. […]


22.12.2021 at 12.00 a seminar of the Departments “Applied Mathematics” and “Wave Dynamics” will take place. At the seminar, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Rasulov Mubariz will make a report “Application of new methods in solving problems of elastodynamics”. The work is devoted to new methods for finding integral transformations used in solving problems of […]

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Rasulova Nazile gave a talk “A New Class of Homogeneous Solutions to Plane Problems of Elastodynamics”

Today the regular seminar was held. In the seminar of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS the Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Rasulova Nazile gave a talk “A New Class of Homogeneous Solutions to Plane Problems of  Elastodynamics”. A new type of functionally invariant solutions of the Smirnov-Sobolev wave equation is presented, which […]

Leading scientific worker of department “Differential equations” of İnstitute Mathematics and Mechanics, doct.phys.math.sci., prof. Aladdin Shamilov gave a talk on the topic “Generalized Entropy optimization methods and their applications”

Today the regular Institute seminar was held. In the seminar of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS leading scientific worker of department “Differential equations” of İnstitute Mathematics and Mechanics, doct.phys.math.sci., prof. Aladdin Shamilov gave a talk “Generalized Entropy optimization methods and their applications”. In the report, generalization methods of entropy optimization and their applications are considered. […]