Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

We congratulate the professor of the “Differential Equations” department, outstanding scientist Nadir Suleymanov on the occasion of his 90th anniversary!

Nadir Mahammad oglu Süleymanov was born on December 15, 1932 in Rastaje village, Ujar district.

In 1941-1951, he studied at secondary school No. 1 of Ujar region, and in 1956 he graduated from the physics and mathematics faculty of Azerbaijan State University with honors. He was awarded the 1st prize and an honorary decree of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR for the scientific result he obtained in his graduation thesis on the topic “Study of the Cauchy problem for the heat transfer equation in the class of generalized functions”.

In 1956-1959, he was a junior researcher at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, and in 1959-1962, he was a postgraduate student of the outstanding mathematician G. Y. Shilov at Moscow State University. In 1965, he defended his candidate’s thesis on “Correct boundary problems in half-space for differential operator equations”, in 1965-1970 he worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, and in 1970-1975 as an associate professor at Baku State University.

  In 1975-1977, he was a doctoral student at Moscow State University, and in 1982 he defended his doctoral dissertation of the same University on “Wiman-Valiron-type estimation for the solution of evolutionary equations and some problems of the qualitative theory of special differential equations”.

In 1984-1990, he was a professor at Baku State University, in 1990-2000 he was the head of the “Probability Theory” department of BSU, then he worked as a professor at the “Functional Analysis” department. The outstanding mathematician is the author of more than 80 scientific articles, theses, monographs and textbooks. A large number of his scientific works have been published in large volumes in high-ranking scientific collections of the former USSR and the USA. In 2012, his monograph “Wiman-Valiron-type estimates for probability, complete function and evolution equations” was published by the publishing house of Moscow State University. He is the first Azerbaijani scientist whose work was published at MSU. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, M.V. Lomonosov MSU professor V. A. Ilin wrote a wide review about this monograph and published it in the “Pure and applied mathematics” magazine.

For his services to the development of education and science in Azerbaijan, he was awarded the honorary title of “Emerited teacher” by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated October 30, 2009.

Since 2014, he has been working as a senior researcher of the “Differential Equations” department at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS. Currently, the outstanding scientist continues his scientific work, trained a large number of scientific personnel, and one of his students defended his PhD thesis on Probability Theory five years ago. Also, he actively participates in the social and political life of our country. In 2017, he was awarded the honorary title “Scientist of the Year” by the media. He was one of the first to create the territorial organization of the New Azerbaijan Party at Baku State University.

Nadir Süleymanov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Honored Teacher, is an outstanding expert in the field of functional analysis, differential equations and probability theory, and a well-known scientist. The scientific results obtained by him received Wiman-Valiron type assessments, which is a completely new scientific research direction in the qualitative theory of differential equations. To obtain these results, he developed a new research method based on probability theory. He proved evaluation methods for solving evolution equations in Hilbert space, Wiman-Valiron type theorems for solving parabolic, inverse-parabolic and pseudo-differential equations, and obtained new type theorems for evolution equations. Thus, Nadir Suleymanov not only obtained new types of theorems for differential equations, but also achieved new, more accurate and general scientific results in the field of complete functions. The greatest success of the scientist is to obtain a new type of evaluation for the solution of the evolutionary equation – Viman-Valeron type results.

Dear teacher Nadir! With your high human qualities and your deep inner culture, you have earned the great respect and admiration of every person who communicates with you. We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you good health, long life and success in your scientific activities. We believe that even at this wise age of yours, your face will always smile and the Almighty God will be your helper.

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